Chapter 64: Tzenmi's Magic (1)

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Two men were frowning as they sat in a cramped room.

They had been talking with Jet for the past few hours.

“So let me get this straight, Mr. Jet. You… filled out this anonymous note for the prosperity of the citizens and the downfall of Akin.

“And you, who were mostly a lowly accountant, decided to betray your organization because you accidentally walked into the slave storage and was shocked by the atrocity?

“Moreover, among the documents you risked your life to take, there was also an accounting record of the magic tome auctions. And you thought it would be a way to collapse the Tesing Clan from the inside, so you handed it over to the Zipfel Clan.

“And out of all of the different press media throughout Akin, you specifically chose the one that is against the Tesings’ atrocities because you were interested in Akin’s politics…

“Lastly, since you are a mere harmless reporter, you want us to protect you in order to stay safe from Tesing’s surviving forces… Is that what you mean?”

Jet frantically nodded.

“Precisely! Man, I tried to do some good deeds in order to live out my life. I don’t know why I’m being treated like this. Please let me go. I’m worried about my son.”

The two men let out a deep sigh.

They were part of the Vermont Criminal Investigation Team. After receiving the letter about the Tesing Clan’s misdeeds, they caught Jet at the port and began an investigation.

As Jin expected, Jet had a strong survival instinct.

He listened to each word uttered by the investigators and responded with the most advantageous reply possible.

Talking about the Beradin impersonator wouldn’t help him in this situation. He had to sugarcoat everything as an “act of goodness” to gain witness protection.

The investigators were baffled.

‘No matter how I look at it, there’s no way this bastard acted upon moral values. He just wrote his name on the letter. He didn’t draft the entire thing.’

‘It’s probably the shady people who destroyed the Tesings. However, we don’t need to chase the culprits around.’

Instead of finding the true author of the letter, declaring the bastard in front of them as the righteous hero would be much more convenient.

On top of that, apart from the initial letter, the handwriting from the slave records matched Jet’s signature. At least he wrote the slave records himself to save the Vermont citizens.

The investigators shrugged.

“Alright, Mr. Jet. Honestly, you kinda look like some lowly scum, but we’ll turn a blind eye on your lies since you are saving dozens of Akin citizens.”

“However, the Zipfels have already requested your testimony, so you have to cooperate with us.”

“The Zipfels are searching for me…? No, no, no way. If I go there, I’ll die.”

“Nothing will happen if you tell them what you told us. As long as your story stays consistent, the Vermont Criminal Investigation Team will keep you safe. Just go and tell them the story.”

“If they hear something different from us, then it gets really annoying. You have some time before you go to the Zipfels’ investigation room, so go see your son and eat some food.”

An hour later, Jet followed the investigators to the investigation room.

Ultimately, he didn’t say a single thing about the Beradin impersonator, and the Zipfel investigators couldn’t kill him even though they knew that he was lying.

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