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Like most of the nights the last few months, I ended up on the same fucking app. It's kind of like tinder, but not exactly.

It's all anonymous unless you have a desire to reveal yourself, which I'd rather not do.

But, basically, I've been on here a lot. I don't have any desire to have a boyfriend, but I find it fun to flirt with someone. Even if only through messages. Or a bit more than flirt. Sexting and such. I know, it's extremely stupid, but I get bored. Don't judge me.

I kind of got to meet a few guys on here, but it seems they love sending their dick pics, and then I just nope out of there. Not the most pleasing thing to see. There is one I've been talking to, and he seems okay so far. No dick pics. Seductive. Makes me feel all sorts of things. I'm just hoping it's not some 50 year old man.

And speaking off...

Fancy seeing you here, baby 😘

Oh, are we there already? 🤭

Is there something else you prefer? Besides me, of course

Someone got a bit cocky 😋 and baby works 😘

Well, baby, we both know you want this cock. No shame in it. On the contrary, I encourage you to come and get it 👅

You couldn't handle me, baby 💋

Only one way to find out

Do you wanna go a bit further tonight?

What did you have in mind? 😘

I'm still not fully convinced that you're a girl. You could be an old man

What if you are one?

I'm happy to debunk that for you, baby 😘

I'm listening 🫡

I waited for a few minutes, but nothing. I guess he is an old man. Now I want to throw up. The things I've been saying....

I was about to put my phone away when I got a new message from him. Not a message. A picture.

'Oh, My. Fucking. God.' I felt my mouth drop open, and I swear I drooled a little.

He sent me a picture of his body. Kind of.

His entire torso and abs out on display. I can't see a thing besides that. I can see the tiniest bit of his hips, but that's in the corner of the picture, so it's kind of blurry. But. Fuck. Me.

Who the fuck has a body like that?!

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Who the fuck has a body like that?!

Perfect frigging 6 pack. V dent that I can barely see beacuse of the angle, but it's definitely there. I would think it's photoshoped or taken from somewhere online, but this is very clearly just now taken picture.

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