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I got home at about 1, a bit buzzed, not gonna lie. Yoongi kept mixing his magic, and it tasted too nice to let go of it, so I ended up drinking a lot more than needed.
But at least I didn't do anything stupid.

I took my clothes off, feeling a bit too buzzed to put on pyjamas.

I need to cool down first. Until then...

I logged in, noticing he's online.

Still interested?

Hello, baby 😘
Always. Just tell me what it is.

I felt a bit brave because of all the drinks I had.

Is my hand really enough to convince you? 💋

I like where this is going, so I'll say no.

Through the fuzz of my mind, I got off my bed and walked to my mirror, getting on my knees in front of it.

I spread my knees and sat down, pushing my ass a bit back, posing in the sexiest way I could. I took a picture, keeping my face out of it. I might be fuzzy, but I'm not that drunk. I kind of know what I'm doing. Except I'm stupid.

But before I thought about it, the picture had been sent

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But before I thought about it, the picture had been sent.

I giggled as I looked at the seen mark pop up, and then the little dots, marking that he was typing.

Fuck, baby, you're so perfect 😲😲😲😍😍😍
You have no idea what I want to do to you right now...

Tell me every.single.thing. and don't keep any details to yourself 😘

You sure are horny tonight 💦
But you just gave me the hardest boner, so I'll happily tell you. Under one condition.

Name it, baby❤️

You have to touch yourself for me, baby

You're falling behind. I'm already on it ;)

Good girl 😘


I woke up in the morning with a slight headache, having my mind in a slight fog from last night. I can't remember how I fell asleep. But apparently, I did something, as my bed has a few wet spots.

Did I pee? What the- oh. No.


I quickly grabbed my phone at the tiny flashes of lost memory coming through, reminding me of what I did last night.

I was still logged into the app with all the messages right there. And there were a lot of them. Very sexual ones. Now I understand why my bed is wet.

There was a voice message from my end, and it terrified me to even see it. No, no, no.. what have I done?!

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