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I was beyond confused with what happened the entire night. I didn't know what to be surprised about the most.

First, I almost got drugged.
Then I got saved by none other than the guy that hates my guts.
Then we danced together.

Yep. That. Definitely that.

I actually let myself enjoy that dance a bit too much. It was most likely the few drinks I had. I was far from drunk, or even buzzed, but I was a lot more relaxed than I thought I would be. And he seemed the same.

We danced for quite a while, and his hands were all over me. It... didn't feel as wrong as I'd expect it to feel. I was actually okay with it.

At least until he suddenly jumped so far back that I almost fell on my ass, given how I was pressed up against him. Fuck! Why the fuck was I even so close?!

I know my disgust for him settled in once he insulted me as soon as he detached from me. I don't know why it took me a bit by surprise. Maybe because this was the most civil we've been in 10 years. And definitely way too close. I don't know why I'm debating this. I should have seen it coming.

I need to wash him off of myself and out of my mind. I'm not wasting my brain capacity on that moron.


As always, Sarem was with me by the lockers. But she was incredibly quiet for someone who is usually hyper, even first thing in the morning. I even waved in front of her face when I noticed that she wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to me, but nothing. She just kept looking at the distance.

I followed her gaze to land on Hoseok and Yoongi across the hall, with Hoseok's cheerful laughter echoing as he was grabbing onto Yoongi so he wouldn't fold himself in half.

'You've got something here.' I motion to Sarem, brushing lightly over my chin

She just wiped herself without even looking away, which only made me laugh, and then she looked at me.


'Your eyes are gonna fall out.' I nudge her, teasing her a little

'Was I too obvious?'

'Woman, I think the lockers would have responded to me before you did.' We both chuckled at it together before I continued prying. 'What's this then? Are you guys a thing or..?

'I don't know. Ever since that weekend when we hooked up, there has been something. But, he's not doing anything, and I don't know what to say.' She closed her eyes, hitting the lockers lightly as she leaned her head back on them. 'I like him.'

Cause that was hard to guess...
'Then tell him. What's the worst that could happen?'

'He could not feel the same way.'

'At least you'll know where you stand. But I doubt that would be the case. I saw the two of you at the party. He was stuck to you.'

'What the hell am I supposed to do? Like... how?' I haven't seen her this nervous in a while

'You tire me out.'

'No! Wait! What-' she hissed at me, trying to stop me from doing what I wanted to do, but she should know by now what to expect

I walked straight up to Hoseok and Yoongi, both of them greeting me as they always do.

'If it ain't my favorite customer at the bar.' Yoongi gives me that gummy smile

'If it ain't my favourite bartender.' I joke back

'What's up?' Hoseok gives me the little side hug

Straight to the point it is.
'Do you like Sarem?'

His smile was gone in a milisecond, probably from the surprise. 'Huh? What?' He mumbles, his eyes wide open

'Do you like her? Yes or no? Not that complicated.' I shrug

'Well... yeah.' His cheeks turned only a bit pinkish as his eyes looked behind me at Sarem

'Good. She likes you, too.' I grin

'She does?!' And his huge grin is back. He turned into the little ball of sunshine he is, almost vibrating in his spot

'Why are you still here?' I chuckle, 'Go.'

'What? Now?!'

'No. Next year.' Yoongi rolls his eyes, then gives him a light push. 'Yes, now, you bumbling idiot. Go!'

Well, it didn't take much. He practically ran off to her, and even from here, I saw her face switching with every colour or red and pink as a huge smile spread across her face.

'Nice one.' Yoongi fist-bumps me. 'This babbling idiot has been pining over her for months. Took him to get drunk to do a thing.'

'Whatever he did, she is now obsessed, and I'm tired of listening to it. If they won't do crap, I will.' I nod at myself, approving of my own actions

'Well, you could not have been more direct.' He snickers. 'And talking of being direct... what was that with Jimin the other night?'

'Wh- Oooooh!' I pretended not to remember, when truthfully, that's all that's been on my mind. 'Long story short, he helped me, and then I helped him.'

He squinted, then raised his eyebrow. 'You helped each other?'

'I know. Shock even for us. Don't even.' I shudder a little. 'Why are you even asking when we both know you already asked him?' I punch him lightly in the shoulder, both of us chuckling

'I did ask, but he didn't say a thing. Told me to fuck off and-'

'Not ask about it because he will throw up?' I cut in, while he started laughing and nodding

'Yep. Word for word.'

'Well, there you have it. For a change, I agree with him.'


'Come ooooon! I don't wanna go alone!' Sarem was hugging my arm, pouting at me in the cutest way, with her chin leaning on my shoulder

'Woman, he asked you out on a date. I am not third wheeling!' I don't know if I should laugh or cry

'Oh, I must have skipped the other part.' She pulled away, and started passionately explaining further. 'It's not exactly a date, and it's not just the two of us. Apparently, him and the other guys are going ice skating, and he asked me to come. I don't wanna be the only girl there!'

'And you only mention that little detail now?' I snort at her. 'Still, what the hell do I do there? And why would he even ask you out with all of them? Is he stupid?' Hoseok, I love you, but you are an absolute lost cause

'Come on. Pleeeeease! He told me to ask you as well.' She pleads

'Hold up. You said the guys are going, too. Is that blonde moron going? Because I will murder him with the skate.'

'I don't know, I didn't ask. But you can behave one day. For me.' She started batting her eyes cutely at me, and then we both burst out laughing

'Jesus... you are just as special as Hoseok. Truly a perfect match. Not a braincell between the two of you.'

'I don't care. I know you don't mean it because you love meee!' She squished my face with both her hands, smushing her lips right on mine

'Yuck! You've got Hoseok for that!' I push her away, laughing at her antics. She can be such an idiot, but she only does this when she's extremely happy, so I'll let it slide

'We're going tonight. Be there by 6!' She smacked her lips right on my forehead once more before running off happily

Ice skating... I haven't done that in a while. Let's break a few bones.

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