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Just like last time, a house full of people. I don't know how his parent's don't kill him. This must destroy the house.

I made my way through the crowd, trying to locate anyone that I know, exchanging smiles and glances with strangers not to be impolite. Not that I care.

I was still pushing through when someone slapped my ass so hard, and then squeezed it equally roughly, yelling whoo!

I was ready to deck someone, turning around to see Sarem and Hoseok dying laughing as she was refusing to let go of my ass. He was basically hanging on her not to fall on the ground, his sunshine smile bright enough to light up the dimmed house.

'You are such a fucking idiot! I almost kicked your teeth out!' Knowing it was her, the shock turned into laughter

'Come on. You are making even me drool, girl. I couldn't with the good conscience leave that juicy ass alone. Mouthwatering.' She pretended to slurp, almost finishing off Hoseok.

'Absolute kreten, you are.'

'No, no, she's right.' Hoseok collected himself. 'You clean up nice.' He gives me the flirty wink, earning a high-five from Sarem

'If you're ever up for a threesome...' Sarem started trolling

'Okay, okay! I heard enough!' I laugh. 'Is Yoongi at the bar? I want one of his concoctions.'

'Is he? Pffft.' Hoseok chcukled. 'We can't pull him away. He is acting like a bartender.'

'Lovely. I'm gonna go locate my drink-lord. See you later loverbirds.'

I pushed my way through slowly, reaching the little crowd that collected around the kitchen that Yoongi turned into a full on bar. He is actually taking orders and he has 2 guys helping him. Hoseok wasn't kidding.

I tapped twice on the kitchen counter like they do in the movies, pretending to call for the bartender, and Yoongi lifted his head up, his jet black hair ruffled all over. His adorable gummy smile spread across his face as he looked me up and down.

'We might be in the kitchen, but you're the only hot thing here.'

That was the best and the worst pick up line I've ever heard, and I died laughing. What a dork.

'I heard my favorite bartender was here. Wanna cook me up some magic, pretty boy?' I send him a flirty wink, both of us knowing we're just joking.

'As if you have a choice. Sit still.'

I watched as his hands worked on the bottles. He would measure things, putting them into some silver cups, then shaking them and such. And about 2 minutes later, he poured red liquid into a cup, putting some whipped creem o top and throwing a cherry on top.

'Damn! I feel bad even drinking this!' It actually looked like it came from an actual bar. Apart from the fact that it's in a plastic cup

'Drink up. I got more things you need to try.' He grinned, all proud of himself

I was by the bar for quite a while, just chatting and joking around with Yoongi, before I had some guy approach me. For a moment, when he touched me, I thought it was Jimin, simply to piss me off, and it made me kind of jump, but then I came back to my senses and met eyes with a guy that was a complete opposite.

Dark hair, almost black, brushed back and styled. He was tall, but on the skinnier side. Kind of model like. His eyes were definitely a bit red, must be the drinks. His thin lips were spread in a smile, that I can only guess was supposed to be flirty. Not a bad lookin guy at all. Or maybe I just had a few too many.

'Hello, gorgeous.' His voice did not seem like it fit him. Contrary to his skinny build, his voice was quite deep

'Hiya.' I smiled back, trying to be polite

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