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'Seriously? This? Jimin's voice came up from behind me just as I was getting ready to go home, leaving some of my things in the locker

'What are you on about?' I turned around with a heavy sigh to see him holding a fistfull of something.

He took my hand, putting whatever he was holding in it. 'Really?'

I was looking at a bunch of scrunched up little dicks made out of paper, and it made me laugh. This was so stupid.

'It would be funny if I didn't have to clean my entire locker. It was full. Thanks for that.' He gives me that sarcastic smile

'Um, sorry to burst your bubble, but this actually wasn't me.' I put the papers back in his hand.

'What's the point in lying?' He chuckles

'Do you honestly think that I would waste my time on this?' I point to his hand. 'If I was going to spend that much time to troll you, it wouldn't be something lame like this. It's like you don't even know me.'

He looked like he was thinking about it for a moment, squinting a bit, then relaxing. 'Then who-'

The barbie walked past, giving him and me the death stare.
'Aaand there is your answer.' I pat him on the shoulder, snickering

'Ah, thank fuck.' He sighs in relief. 'This is good. Means I pissed her off enough to be left alone.' He got all happy

'You reeeally don't like her do you?' It was actually funny how happy he was

'Absolutely not. I don't think I've ever been that drunk. Fuck knows what went through my head back then.' He shuddered, grimacing at his own words

'By the looks of it, it wasn't your head that you were thinking with.' I glance down at his dick

'I can't even deny, nor agree. She is not attractive whatsoever. What the fuck did I drink that night..'

'Don't worry. I'm sure she had an awful time just like you did.' I turned back to teasing

'I don't know. I don't remember much, but I clearly remember her screaming my name.' The infamous smirk is back

'She was probably calling for help.'

I expected a fight, but he only started laughing.

'Well, if the spicy noddle ever decides to have fun, do let me know.' He winked at me and left, still chuckling to himself

What. The. Fuck.
He's weirding me out by the day.


Why the fuck did I say that!?

'If the spicy noddle decided to have fun tell me?!' I repeated it to myself, slapping my face with both hands, groaning in frustration

What the hell was that?! If I tried to find the worst way to ask someone to sleep with me, it wouldn't be as bad as this.

I slapped myself again, realising what I just asked her.

'What are you doing?' Taehyung was waiting for me in front of the school, looking at me like I'm insane.

'I don't even wanna talk about it man. I need therapy.'


I felt like my soul left my body. Am I that obvious?

'Did she piss you off again?'

Oh, that's what he meant. Thank fuck.

I composed myaelf as quickly as I could, replying to him.
'Of course, she did. Can't have 5 minutes of peace with that bitch around.'

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