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I hadn't seen him after school, so I didn't get a chance to ask, but I was curious as to how it went. I logged into the app on the off chance that he's on, but even if not, I'll send it. He will see it at some point. I hope.

How did it go? Are we safe, or do I need to kick her ass again?

I didn't expect an answer for a while, so I locked my phone. But it buzzed only minutes later with a very short reply


What happened? Did she flip on you? 😂

Nothing. No. All good.

What is up with these answers?

Are you okay?


Idk... You don't seem okay.

I don't know how to explain it to him, but his answers are short and lacking. He must have gotten pissed off or something.

I'm fine. Bye

What the - he just logged off without a second of waiting. There must be something wrong with him.

Oh well, I don't particularly care. I was just curious. If he doesn't wanna talk, I won't push him. But it's still a bit weird.

I didn't know what to expect coming back to school tomorrow, but he said we're good, and he was telling the truth. I passed by Iyera more than once, and she hasn't given me that death stare. Not even in class. Whatever he told her, he saved me a lot of trouble.

I saw him throughout the morning, but I didn't really get a chance to talk to him. Every time I tried or even looked at him, he was gone within seconds. But I can see him just fine right now, leaving school.

I jogged a little to reach him before he could slip, elbowing him just lightly to get his attention.

'You're like a damn snake, slithering away the entire day.'

'What do you want?' He sighs without even looking at me, keeping his eyes up ahead

'I was just... I wanted to say thank you. For whatever you said to get her off my back.'

'Kay. You've said it. Now leave me alone.' Why is his damn tone so sharp?

'What is going on?' I asked, but he just straight up ignored me, so I decided to pull his arm to stop him.

He just gave me some pissed off glare, ripping his arm away.

'What the hell happened? Did I do something to you? Cause if that's the case, just tell me.'

I'm kind of stressed about his behaviour. Only yesterday, he was fine and being his usual assy self, but ever since then, he's been like this. Cold and rude. It's not completely unusual for him, but never like this, and for no reason.

'What the fuck are you on about?' He grimaces at me. 'You didn't do shit, I just don't feel like being around you. There's only so much that I can listen to you. Or look at you.' He basically spat the words at me, sounding like he's either pissed off or disgusted, and then he walked away with the speed of light, leaving me looking absolutely lost

I get that we're not the best of friends. I get that we did all sorts of shit to each other over the years, but I thought that we got a bit better lately. We haven't pulled pranks on each other for a while now. We even had fun together, as much as I never saw that coming.
We laughed and joked. He even helped me and drove me home and to school. I actually didn't mind being around him. I actually... I kind of enjoyed it.

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