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Standing by my locker, I got smacked in the back with someone's backpack.

'Whoops. Didn't see you there.' Jimin says without even sparing me a glance, trying to walk off. Like hell you will.

I took my gym sneaker from the locker and launched it at the back of his head as hard as I could, hiting him dead on.
'Sorry. I saw a roach. Needed killing.' I give him the sarcastic smile

He was about to throw it back at me, but Hoseok grabbed his arm. 'Okay, okay, let go.' He slowly took the shoe from him

'Nice aim.' Jungkook giggles at me from behind Jimin, earning a glare from him. 'Come on, man. You had that coming. You started it.'

Jimin squinted at me, giving me the watch out motion, having me flip him off.

'Why do you always gotta start shit?' I heard Hoseok complain to Jimin as they walked away, and right about now, I agree with him. It's fucking Monday morning and he just had to do something first thing.

I need to start carrying bricks.


'Ugh.' I looked up as I was putting my hair up in a ponytail to see Jimin grimacing at me. 'Put that down. I can actually see your face like this, and I'm getting sick.' He covered his mouth, pretending he's going to throw up

'You really are 10 years old. Or maybe you just stopped growing back then.' I smirk, loving the colour of his face turning red with instant rage. It's such a trigger for him.

'You wanna repeat that?' He steps closer, right into my face, giving me those hooded eyes of his as he stares down on at me

I clear my throat to make sure he can hear me better than smile widely at him. 'I think the only thing shorter than you is your temper.'

He pursed his lips, lifting his hand and making a fist, but putting it down.
'You're lucky animal abuse is illegal.'

'Did you hear that from your mom or...?'

*whistle blow*
'Gather around! We're playing dodgeball. Class versus class!'

A sudden grin spread over his face. 'Better cover that ugly face.' He warned me and walked off

Last time we did this, he gave me a nosebleed.

I tried to stay in the back as much as I could. I'm not crazy athletic when it comes to dodgeball, but he is. Always had been. And he sure makes use of it.

He caught the ball a ton of times and cleared most of the people, leaving me on purpose to have an open field on me.

'Ah, there you are. I'm surprised you hid yourself so well with the size of you.'

As people tend to do, they were laughing. Some girls found it distasteful and grimaced at his words. What a dick.

'Shut it, shorty.'

'Wrong time to piss me off.' He flung that ball so hard at me, and I closed my eyes and turned myself into a ball expecting a hard hit, but it missed me, flying to the other side of the court.

I ended up with a ball, but him being cocky as he is, he didn't even move.
'Go on. Do your best.'

I threw the ball straight at his dick, and it sure hit him. He crouched down in pain, but the ball never dropped. He caught it. He was just collecting himself.

While I was all happy, everyone else was grimacing in pain along with him. Even the professor who was holding our PE class asked him if he was okay.

'You are such a bitch.' He huffed out

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