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Where are you?

Going to my car? Why?

Umm, no you're not. Bring your cute little ass behind the school

What the hell are you on about?

Just trust me. I'm waiting xxx

She never does this unless it's something really good in question. Might make me feel better or something...

I walked back through the school, going out of it on the other end. There is nothing here. Not a person. 

I took out my phone to text her, only to see she sent a new text

I love youuuu xxx

What is she doing?

I must be going mental. I swear I could smell that damn scent before I even saw him or heard him.

'You came.' He sounded almost relieved as he came up behind me, making me jolt a bit

I turned to look at him, and my damn insides turned around just as much. Just looking at him hurts. 

Those eyes of his... I don't know when they became so beautiful to me, but whenever he gazes as me like this I feel like I'm being pulled in and then I have to look away. And looking anywhere else is equally hard.

His perfect nose, that looks so cute that you want nothing more than to touch it, just because. His cheeks because they get so bubbly when he smiles. His jaw, because it is so sharp that it makes you wonder if you'll cut yourself touching it. The messy hair that keeps making me wonder how it would feel tangled up around my fingers.

And those, perfect, full, round lips. They alone make me feel like I'm sinning just looking at them. All of my thoughts go to wondering how they taste. How soft they felt against my skin. How much more I wanted. And how much more I'll never get.

I need to leave. And kill Sarem.

'And now I'm leaving.'

I was about to walk past him, and his usual intrusive self, he grabbed me, but it wasn't rough. It was just enough to hold me there. His fingers were wrapped around my wrist, and I swear I felt like he was trembling. Or maybe it was me.

'Don't leave. Please, just give me a minute. I can't keep chasing you.'

'Then stop doing it. I didn't ask you to.'

'Yet I keep doing it.' He argues

'I can see that. I just don't get why when I specifically told you to fuck off.' I retort in a sharp tone, trying to pull my hand away, but he pulled instead, and not just my hand. He pulled all of me so easily, making me stumble as I stepped closer.

'And I keep telling you that what whatever you saw didn't happen.' He shoots back

'I saw it, Park. What is the point in lying?'

'You saw wrong. I only helped a girl who was pushed by someone. She almost fell. That was it. Until earlier, I didn't even remember it. It could have been a fucking zebra falling on me and I wouldn't have noticed. I was there for you. I was waiting for you. And stop calling me Park just to prove a point. Please.'

'What?' I barely whispered. The way he's talking and looking at me, I can tell he's not lying. Did I.... I jumped to conclusions.

'I have no idea who that girl was. And I couldn't care less. I wanted to be there with you.'

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