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Like she told me to, I got there by 6.

She called me 15 times to make sure I'm actually coming. A crazy woman.

Figured I'd save myself the pain of the skates that the ice rink lend you, so I brought my own. Black and gold. I honestly always felt bad wearing them, but it's better than them sitting in the little corner of our storage room.

I walked inside to find her already on the ice. Well, on her ass. And Hoseok next to her, dying laughing, but seemingly also on the ice floor.

She tried to get up, holding onto him, and they both fell back down, and then I heard even more laughter from the side.

Taehyung and Jungkook were barely breathing, holding onto the edge of the rink, crying with laughter.

And behind them, Yoongi and that little blonde shit. The only two who are not on the ice.

'How many times did they almost die?' I came up behind the two of them, making Yoongi jump a little.

'Jesus fuck, Binna. You scared the shit out of me.' Poor Yoongi was holding onto his heart

'What are you doing here?' Jimin asks in that annoying tone, which, to be honest, is his normal voice, but he pisses me off

'Just looking for a way to use my skate blade on your throat.' I threaten

'You're gonna skate?' He cocks his eyebrow. 'There goes the ice. Just gonna dig holes in it with your fat ass.'

I just smacked him over the head as I sat down behind them, earning an Ow from him.

'Bold of you to mock when you're scared to get on the ice at all.' Yoongi trolls him along

'I just don't feel like it. Not my thing.' Jimin argues back

'I thought winter was your favourite season?' I keep mocking

He turned to me, looking almost surprised. 'I'm not even gonna ask how you know that. Stakler.'

'Cause I remember you yelling out "i love winter" while shoving my face into a pile of snow.' I remind him, and a huge grin spreads across his face

'Ah, yeah. Good times.' He was giggling to himself

'Fucking idiot.' I huff. 'Yoongi, you going in?' I tap him on the shoulder, leaning a bit over to look at him

'God, no. I can barely walk properly.' He was laughing at himself, frantically waving his hands to save himself

'Well, I'm gonna go. I haven't fallen on my ass in a while.'

'I hope you break your leg.' Jimin grins at me

'I'll break your neck, midget.' I grin back

'I'm gonna slap you.' He threatens

'Well...' I step on the ice, slowly pulling away, gliding backwards. 'You're gonna have to come and get me for that, shorty. But you won't. Scared little chicken.' I flip him off, happy with myself as I make my way closer to the rest of the guys

I heard him yell something back but I completely ignored him. Dumbass. Instead, I skated over to the rest of them.

'You like sitting down?' I troll Hoseok and Sarem

'Oh! You are here! Help!!' She looked like she saw Jesus, asking for help

'Me, too!' Hoseok grabbed onto me as well, and both of them holding me, they pulled me down

More laughter erupted from the group, especially from the blonde imbecile who walked over to the edge where we were, basking in enjoyment of seeing me on my ass.

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