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This is so weird. I have no idea why I did it. She said so herself, she could have gone home on her own. But no. I had to go and make it weird. And now I'm in front of her house at 7:20 in the morning. I'm way too early.

I just parked in front, scrolling around on my phone to calm my nerves down a little bit. I don't even know why I'm so damn nervous. All I'm doing is picking her up for school.

I wonder if she's gonna wear that perfume again.

7:30. Right on the dot.

She walked up to the car, awkwardly knocking on the window before opening the door.

'Morning, Park.' She smiles

'Morning, noodle.' I troll her. 'You know, you don't need to knock on the car.'

'I thought it wasn't awkward enough, so I added the knock.' She laughs

I only quickly glanced at her, and that scratch on her face is very visible. Her cheek has a red mark dragging from her cheekbone down to the dent than shows in her cheek when she smiles.

'What are you doing?'

She was surprised, but not as much as me once I realised that I was holding her face in my hand. I gotta play this off.

'This looks painful. Does it hurt?'

'No, I'm- I'm okay. Just a scratch. And I've had way worse from you alone, so...'

I leaned closer, pulling her closer too. I only wanted to see the scratch better, but that perfume... She has it on.

'Sorry. Just wanted to see it better.' I managed to pull myself back, straightening myself up as if nothing happened, when truthfully, that damn scent flipped my damn insides. 'Ready?'

'As long as we don't run into her first thing, I'll be fine.'

'Don't worry. I won't let her get to you again.' I really need to sort that girl out. She needs to leave Binna alone.

'I meant more that I'll rip her to shreds. She's the one who needs protecting.'

Knowing her, she is serious.

'Then, I'll try and pretend to save her.'

Finally. A laugh.


I've never seen him more quiet. Maybe he's just not the morning person. The entire ride to school, he was silently driving, looking ahead. He glanced over a few times and looked away equally fast.

'Just so I'm prepared, should I be on the lookout? Did you plan on torturing me today at any point?

'Some other time. I'll give you a pass today.' He smiles as he stops in front of the school, parking into a space, then smirks at me,  'Or will I?'

Okay. I'm safe.


He only lightly chuckled as we got out of his car, only to be greeted by Taehyung, who was either waiting for him, or simply walking by.

He looked at Jimin, then at me, then at his car, and then back at me.
'Well then... good morning, you two.' His face turned into a big grin

'Ummm... morning? What's with the creepy smile?' I grimace

'Nothing. Nothing at all.' He kind of giggled

'Seriously. You are creeping me out, too.' Even Jimin agreed

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