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'Jimin?' I dropped my hand, resting it on his forearm

'You're late.'

I felt like my face blushed a little, just looking at him. Those rips in his jeans show off more of his thighs than they cover, and he's got some nice thighs. And his shirt might be just plain, black one, but the way it hugs his chest and arms, and the way that V neck shows his clavicle is something else. Even his hair is kind of styled. Although still a bit messy, it's pushes over to one side, his usually hidden forehead revealed.

But even all that... and it's his damn smile. Those plump lips of his are stretched in some heart-stopping smile.

Wait. He is smiling. Fuck that. He's talking to me?

'You're... you're talking to me? You're not mad at me?'

Instead of answering, he took the liberty of pushing his hand a bit further up to my very exposed back and pulled me to himself so aggressively that I smacked right into him. 'Dance with me.'

That perfume again... Jesus... but that's not the only smell on him. I came a bit closer, sniffing him a bit, trying to ignore the very scent that makes me insane.

'Are you drunk?'

'Not at all.' He keeps smiling, gently caressing my back where his hand is. 'I only had a few. I'm more than okay.'

'Are you sure?' He definitely had a lot more than a few

'I promise.' He placed his hand on top of mine that was resting on his chest, repeating his words. 'Dance with me.'

So many times I said his hands were small, but I couldn't be more wrong. His hand completely covered mine as his fingers gently wrapped around it.

I don't know if I answered, or nodded, or did anything at all, but if I did, he took my hand and gently pulled me with him into the midst of the people who were already in a heated dance.

I just followed like I'm hypnotised, watching his every move. I'm beyond confused. He's been angry with me the entire week, and now he wants to dance?

Once we got to where he wanted us, he didn't let go of my hand. Instead, he pulled me completely into himself, placing my hand behind his neck, as his other one slid a bit too low on my back, just above my ass. And it kind of felt nice. A bit too nice.

I mindlessly put my other arm behind his neck, too, and I was thinking of what to do next, but by the time I decided to move, I realized I was already doing it.

His body was tightly pressed against mine and moving just the same. His hand kept sliding up and down my back, tracing my spine gently, as his hips crept so close until our thighs were against each others and we were moving in perfect sync.

I really can't figure out what's going on, and I don't wanna look at him... but I did.

He was clearly tracing my body with his eyes, biting lightly into that full, bottom lip of his.

This man must be trying to kill me...

He reached for my hair, moving it from my neck, and for a moment, a very stupid thought crossed my mind, but then he spoke right into my ear, 'Turn around for me.'

This is perfect. I can't look at him anyway. It helps me hide my shame.

He didn't hesitate for a single moment to press his entire body up against mine, placing both of his hands on my hips to kind of guide me how he wants me to move, not that it's needed. I'm just following whatever he's doing.

I felt his chest against the skin on my back, and it made me almost shudder. I'm so happy that I didn't drink anything yet, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to keep that one in.

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