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'Just fucking do it!' I yelled at myself, holding my finger over the uninstall option, but instead, I just locked my phone.

I can't bring myself to uninstall it, and I don't know why. Every time I see those damn numbers, I want to throw up. I cringe to the point of my entire body contorting, and it makes me want to pull my hair. But I still haven't erased the app.

Monday came, and so did the school. And so did Jimin.

I was set on avoiding him like the plague. If I could.

Or not.

'Damn. They really let animals everywhere these days.' Jimin made the comment slide along with pushing me into my locker, having me slam my face into it

Usually, I would fight back, but I was so anxious and disgusted, and about 15 more emotions in between, so him acting like he always did is actually kind of relieving.  Comforting even.

'Fuck you, blondie!'

He flipped me off without turning around, but I saw his shoulders move a little, which tended to happen when he was laughing.

I felt a little smile creep up on my face, and I really didn't want to admit it to myself that he was the reason for it, so I quickly wiped it away.

That must have been the nicest interaction we've had in years. I'll take it.


Why do I still have this shit? I was wondering as I kept opening the app. I swear, it's like I'm addicted.

Every damn night, I get back on it, almost as if I'm expecting a message. But I also know that if I got one, I'd kill him. I think it's just the habit at this point.

I clicked on the message window and scrolled up quite a bit. Basically, to the beginning. I don't know why. This is nothing but sexual conversations, and I would rather drink from the toilet than come close to him, but I wanna remind myself of how it all started.

Hello 👋

Hello 😊

As a form of security, please answer these before we proceed.
Are you underage?
Are you an old peeper?
Will you try to sell my organs?

Reading it now, it made me laugh just like it did the first time. And I hated it.

That's fair😂😂😂
I'm not underage, nor am I an old man. Pinky promise. And I wasn't on the market for any organs, so you're safe ;)

Good, good. Same here. So we're safe from prison and death 😁

I read a while, occasionally laughing at dumb shit we both said, until it wasn't funny anymore. Given the nature of the app, and now that I knew who it was, him, it became flirty in no time.

That's enough, Binna. Get out of the fucking thing.

I said and kept scrolling, going a bit further down.

What about hickeys?

Ooooh. In a hidden spot where only the other person can see 🤭😊

I don't know about that. I would leave marks all over you, just so everyone knows you belong to me 😘

To you, huh? 😋

You could. Here, at least ❤️

I can work with that. But it has to go both ways ❤️

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