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Is it normal to have bruises all over from skating?

He sent me a random picture of his leg with 2 blueish marks on his thigh. Ignoring the bruises, those muscles are... wow..

But... that came out of nowhere. I barely even opened the app

Very much so. See?

I sent him a few pictures of the bruises on my leg and my arm from where he fell on me

Plus on my ass. But you're not getting that one.

Nothing I haven't seen before 😋

Do you have a death wish?

What? Did I lie? 😋

Okay, Mister Abs. I get it.

Mhm. You're complaining now. That wasn't the case when you got the picture ;)

I could say the same. Would you like me to quote the exact words you used?

No need. I know what I said. It's not my fault you easily trust people and believe everything they say

I don't know. You were eager to meet me, so...

It just got to me that I don't know if that was a good or a bad idea. If we didn't meet, maybe we still wouldn't know who was on the other side

Don't even. I'm aware of it, too 🫣

Then, do you regret it? Meeting me?

I don't even know why this is a question. I already know your answer, so I won't even ask.

Honestly, I only regret it because now we most likely absolutely destroyed each other's sexual fantasies

Are you telling me that you enjoyed all of it?

I might have a stroke

Did you not? Before you knew it was me?

Got me there....


And now?

What do you mean now?

Could you find it fun now?

Are you okay? Did you smack your head that hard today? 😵‍💫

What is wrong with this boy?

We could just pretend we don't know. Like it was before.

Okay, I seriously can't figure out if you're trolling right now or not, because if you're not, I'm actually worried for your mental health.

I'm obviously trolling you dumb idiot. Why in the fuck would I be serious about this? 😂 I think you're the one who smacked the head

Almost made me throw up. Moron. 🤮

Also, how come you still haven't deleted this?

I keep forgetting

Is that why you log in every single day?

Are you waiting here for me or something?

Oh, how did you guess?

I can imagine him doing the most dramatic eye roll.

I heard enough crap for one night. I'm going. Have fun with yourself, I guess. I hope you run into some old guy. 🖕


The moment I sent that fucking message about pretending, I knew I fucked up.

Ever since this damn app thing and talking to her, I can't seem to find someone who would excite me the same way. I hate that out of all the girls, I got stuck talking to an unknown person. I hate that out of all people, that person turned out to be the worst one I know. But what I hate the most is the fact that it's making me not hate her.
My brain won't stop going over things she sent during all the time we spoke. And it definitely won't stop going over her perume, which I swear, I can smell it even now in my room.

And the fact that whatever that damned scent is, it excites me. So much so, that I ended up sending this shit message, hoping she'd agree by some miracle, and help me... relieve... the tension.

I'm seriously an imbecile. A creepy one.

.... I hope you run into some old guy

I was going to tell her that he'd probably be better looking than her, but she left the moment she sent the message.

I logged out as well as there is absolutely no need for me to be on here, considering I only ever spoke to her on here. And I still do.

And then I went straight to my gallery. I just scrolled through until I got to that damn picture. I don't even know who I'm lying to anymore. Every fucking night I'm acting as if I'm accidentally running into it, when I know damn well why I still haven't erased it. And I really should.

But every time my finger hovers over the delete button, my eyes get drawn to the lines of her body on my screen.

It's not her boobs or ass that does it for me. It's everything. The way her back curves and her knees spread. The way her collarbone peaks a little bit right under the straps of her lingerie. The curve from her ass to her thighs. Her waist that's being hugged by the straps of her panties. And most of all, the fact that she is hiding all of this under all that clothes and no one gets to see it. It's like only I know the secret. A perfect one. And that perfect secret carries the most intoxicating scent, sending my mind into a damn spiral every single time.

'Come on.' I can't believe that I have to scold my own dick for getting hard over a mere picture. The same damn picture. Every fucking time.

Fuck it. No one knows. Another secret to keep.

One more time won't change a thing.

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