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'You must be fucking kidding me.' I signed deeply, feeling the frustration and anger bolling under my skin. I wanted nothing more than to run after that fucker, and kick him in the balls. It wouldn't be the first time. But I can't. Why? Because that same fucker glued me down to my chair.

I was wondering why he was snickering lightly when he passed me by in the hall. I should have fucking known he did something. And I'm apparently a moron if I managed to fall for this.

I waited for the class to empty out, pretending to sort out my bag, so no one would notice that my ass wouldn't budge from the chair. No matter how much I move, the chair goes with me. My skirt is glued to it perfectly. Shit.

As I struggled to get myself off the wooden surface, I heard giggling from the doorway.

Looking at that pathetic excuse of a man, I've noticed him recording everything. His eyes turned into little crescent moons, almost hiding behind his cheeks as he was grinning at his success.

'Having fun there? How long do you plan on sitting down?' He barely managed to push it out through the snickering, and then he burst out laughing, letting the empty classroom echo with that sinister giggle that people seem to find adorable. 

'Park!' I half yelled, half growled at him. 'I am going to beat the shit out of you so much that your own parents won't recognise you!'

'Not sitting there, you won't!' He could barely breathe.

He slid his phone back into his pocket as he apparently collected enough evidence of his fine work and leaned into the doorframe with his arms crossed. My god how I want to slap that cocky grin of that blonde head.

'This is just a tiny payback for putting that dead rat in my locker. It's been days, and I still can't air it out.'

'You're gonna find a pig head in your bed one of these days.' I threaten

'What, are you gonna lay in it?' He shoots back with that sassy, cocked eyebrow

I hate to admit it, but that was a good comeback. If I didn't hate him from the bottom of my heart, I'd find it funny. But this way, he's only pissing me off.

'Jimin! Come on, man! We gotta go!' Someone called him from the hallway

'Coming!' He yelled back. 'Well... I see you're firm on staying in school, so I'll leave you to it. Have fun.' He grinned and sent me a sarcastic wave,  and I flipped him off in return

'I'm gonna commit murder one of these days.' I tried to take a deep breath to calm myself down, but seeing his face in my mind makes me angry to a point of aggression.

To keep you in the loop...

I have known that twat Jimin since we were 8. We went to the same school and like all the kids, we clashed about stupid things here and there. But, with time, that bickering turned into pranks and things that are not funny at all. We both went over the line way more than once. He even broke my arm once. He didn't exactly go for it, but he did "accidentally" push me down the stairs. And I did give him stitches by throwing a brick at him.

I actually despise that cunt. The sight of him makes me want to projectile vomit. 10 years of fucking with me in every way he knows how, and he is creative. And considering he is rich and spoiled, he gets away with it. 

'Oh, there you are.' Thank God for her. 'What are you doing? The class is over.'

Without a word, I got up, showing Sarem the chair stuck to my ass, and she instantly chuckled, then covered her mouth.

'OI! This is not funny!' I scold her

'Jimin?' She snorts

'Who the fuck else but that little dickwad?' I groan. 'Please tell me you have something I can wear.'

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