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He's been kind of chasing after me for a few days, and it hurts to even look at him.

I didn't know how deep my feelings for him were, but these last few days have made me feel like absolute shit.

I keep crying when I don't want to. I keep fighting with myself to act okay with him. But if I do, I'm afraid I'll just let him take over me again, and I'm not making a fool out of myself again.

I can almost feel him staring at me at every given chance, trying to talk to me. For some damn reason, he looks hurt. I don't see why, though. He's the one who initiated it all, pulled me into it, made me enjoy, and then ran off to another girl, not even minutes later.

And when he first talked to me, even his voice wasn't that typical cocky, mocking one. Even his voice sounded a bit muffled. I just don't get how he can act so hurt, pretending he doesn't know what happened. And I can't even complain.

I know him. If I say it bothered me and hurt me that he was with someone else, he will end up mocking me, telling me that I want him, and try to embarrass me, and I would rather die than live through that. 

But that's on me. I really should have known better. I should have never expected a thing. That's what he does. It was stupid of me to think that it could mean a thing. I can only consider myself lucky that I haven't gone further with him.

'... you even listening?' I got almost pushed by Sarem from where I was leaning on the locker. She was seemingly talking to me, but I was completely lost in my thoughts. This damn idiot is taking up my entire mind, and it's frustrating me even more. 

'Sorry, what was that?' I put up an apologetic smile

'Nothing important. I'm more interested in what's going on with you? You've been like this for days.'

'Hmm? Like what?' I thought I hid it well

'I don't know. You tell me. You are constantly zoning out and staring into the distance. Or at someone.' She gestured with only her eyes, quickly glancing over the hall at the group of guys, with one very specific blonde head sticking out. 

He was looking at his own feet, kicking his toes with his heel, having both of his hands in the pockets of his black, bomber jacket. His eyes were completely hooded down, and all I could see was his cute little nose and a bit of those doll-like lips that I remember so clearly on my skin.

'Who? Them?' I play dumb, asking if she meant the guys

'I don't even get why you're trying so hard to lie to me. Might have worked on someone else, but it won't work on me, bitch, so drop it and tell me what the fuck happened.'

She rarely gets upset over things, but when she does, it's not a nice sight.

'What would happen? Nothing unusual. He's a dick, that's about it.' I mean, I wasn't exactly lying. I'm just kind of dodging it. I already admitted it to myself, and that was more than enough. I don't wanna do that to anyone else.

'No, this is not it.' She was looking at me, more like observing. Her dark eyes were going over my face, lightly squinting and then her eyes widened a little, and she lifted my hair, pulling my hoodie roughly to the side. 'What is that?!'

The mark he left was big and dark, and I couldn't hide it no matter what I did. Even my own skin is working against me.

'Sarem, leave it.' I slapped her hand away, pulling my hoodie back where it was

'OH MY- Him? It was him?!' She whisper-yelled as her eyes shot open in surprise

'No it-'

'Don't even! I fucking- Come here.' She suddenly dragged me out of the building, holding my hand so tightly that there was not a way I'd set myself free. She only let go when she pulled me on the bench 'Talk. And you better tell me all of it.' Well, that was a straight up threat.

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