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'Are you going to a fashion show?' Taehyung was trolling me the moment he saw me come up to them in our usual spot in Hoseok's place. The little balcony on the first floor, overlooking the entire floor underneath.

'What's wrong with my clothes?'

I looked down at myself, not really seeing the problem. I kind of grabbed the first thing I saw, seeing how I was extremely late, and put on my leather pants and a simple, white, gucci shirt. The most I've done is that I've put on some perfume. Absolutely nothing else. I didn't even bother with my hair. I just ran my hand through it a few times, hoping it would look like something other than the bird's nest.

'That fucking shirt costs more than my house.' He argues back, but then again, he always told me I'm a rich boy, as a joke, though. And we both know it.

'Sorry. I'm gonna start thrifting to make you feel better.' I snort, taking my spot next to him

'Yeah, join us common folk.' Jungkook flung his heavy arm around me, giggling away, already visibly buzzed

'You got a heads up.' I elbowed him in the ribs, but it's like I'm nudging a tank. He doesn't feel, nor care

'I had to. I am hunting, and I am not into being picky tonight, so I'm gonna drink until they all look hot. He then raised his cup as if toasting to himself, downing it all, but then he just sprayed everyone under the balcony by spitting it out

'That's disgusting!' Taehyung scolded him, brushing his shirt off that got a few drops on him

'I don't need to be drunk for that!' Jungkook ignored Taehyung and me telling him off for being a messy pig and kept pointing like a mad man towards the crowd

'What are you looking... at...' I kind of trailed off on my words as I followed his finger

Thank fuck she sent me what she's gonna be wearing. I would most definitely make the same mistake I did last time. I hate to admit it, but at the moment, I'm not surprised that she's dancing with someone. Although he seems a bit too old.

'An angel.' Jungkook sighs dramatically, putting his hand in his heart

'More like a demon from hell.' I mumble, but apparently it was loud enough to be heard

'Don't tell me you smashed that? His eyes almost jumped out

'Are you really that drunk? Take a better look at who it is u moron!' I grimace at him, while he squinted a bit, leaning forward

'OH, SHIT!' Yeah. Oh, shit. Now you got it.

'How the hell did you recognize her?' Taehyung asks, squinting the same as Jungkook

'Didn't you recognize her last time?' I would rather die than tell him she actually sent me a picture. I will plummet down from this balcony, and I will enjoy it.

'Yeah, but... She... She's hot.'

'Wanna race to see who's getting to her first?' Jungkook nudges him from behind me, turning it into a game

'She will eat you both alive. Good luck.' I laugh at them, and they started laughing, too, knowing damn well she will most likely kick them in the nuts. Been there, done that.

We were laughing at least, until the guy took something out of his back pocket and threw it in her cup while she wasn't paying attention. That is not funny in the slightest, even if it's her.


'What's shit?' I guess I said that out loud

'That guy she's with, he just chucked something in her drink.'

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