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Where the hell is she? I've been waiting for 20 minutes, and she's still not back.

I'm so happy right now. I feel like I could fly at this very moment. I got to hold her. I got to kiss her neck. Her perfume is all over me. I can smell it on my shirt.

I can't wait for her to come back. I'm not gonna waste a single second longer. I'm gonna kiss her. I'll tell her how I feel. While I have the courage, I'll do it all.

My heart is thumping away so hard that I can hear it even over the music. But the music seems to become more and more quiet with each passing second that she's not back.

Fuck it. I'll go to her.

I went the same way she did, and couldn't find her. I went through the entire house, and she was nowhere to be seen.

Thinking the guys might have seen her, I went back to them.

'Look who's back from the dead.' Jungkook joked, but I was kind of in a hurry

'Binna. Have you seen her?'

'Is she even here?' Taehyung asks

'She was with me, and then she said she needed a minute and never came back. I can't find her.' It it a bit fuzzy, in not gonna lie. I had quite a few, but I needed a bit of courage

'With you, you say?' Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows

'I'm really not in the mood for this. Have you seen her or not?' A bit harsh, but I'm in a hurry

'Chill, bitch.' Yoongi gets sassy. 'We haven't seen her.'

'What's with the panic? I'm sure she's around somewhere.' Taehyung adds

'No, you don't get it. She said she'll be back to me in a minute and it's been half an hour and I can't find her.' I should not be drinking. I talk too much.

'Did you do something again?' Hoseok asks

'No. Not yet anyway. But I really need to find her.'

They all looked at each other, and then at me weirdly, with Taehyung trying not to smile. I think he picked up on it a while ago. Way before I did. But I don't even care. 

'Does anyone have her number?' Yoongi asks

'Oh, I do.' Hoseok pulled his phone out, dialing her right away. He held that phone to his face for about 30 seconds before he spoke

'Yeah, hi. Um, quick question. Where are you?' He held one of his ears pressed closed to hear her better

'Home? What?'

They all looked at me in confusion. I just told them that she was with me, and she's telling them she's home. I know I was drinking, but I didn't drink that much. I didn't imagine any of it.

'Jimin's been looking all over for you.' Hoseok said as he was looking at me

He suddenly pulled his phone away, looking at the screen. 'She hung up on me.'

'She's home?' Yoongi asks him

'Yeah. And she sounds like she cried. Her voice is all muffled and she keeps sniffling.' Hoseok mumbled

'What the- why?' I am so confused. And so are they.

'As soon as I mentioned you she hung up. You sure you haven't done anything?' Hoseok asks me again, making some squinty face

'No, I swear. We were dancing and then she was just... gone. Sorry, I gotta go.'

I ran out and called a taxi, giving them her address, sending her a bunch of messages on the way there.

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