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They didn't talk about it again the night before. Eiry thought maybe it was better if they slept it off and maybe things would get better in the morning. However, when she opened her eyes as she heard heavy rain battering on the window, the bed was empty, and Eddie was not even in the bedroom. She got up and showered and after her morning skincare routine, she put on a pair of tight black jeans and a grey cardigan that looked twice her size, but she adored top parts that would just hang. She caught up her hair in a ponytail and ordered some coffee from room service. Between shower, morning care and room service, the rain subsided a bit and she was able to step outside on the balcony.

In the heart of London, during a chilly February morning, she found herself gazing out of her room's balcony. The view before her was both captivating and somber, as if the city itself was wrapped in a shroud of grayness. The bustling streets below were filled with people scurrying about, their faces hidden beneath umbrellas and scarves. As she sipped on her steaming cup of coffee, its warmth seeping into her hands, she couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy. The sky above was overcast with heavy clouds that seemed to mirror the mood within her. It felt as though even nature itself had succumbed to the dreariness that enveloped London that morning. Despite the gloominess outside, there was an undeniable charm to the view. Eiry couldn't deny it. The historic buildings stood tall and proud amidst the misty atmosphere, their architectural grandeur telling stories of centuries past. A faint blurred her vision slightly but adding to the overall ambiance. As she continued to observe from the wet balcony, she noticed how people hurried along the streets below; their footsteps echoing against the pavement like whispers in an empty cathedral. Each person seemed lost in their own world, oblivious to those around them. With each sip of coffee and every passing minute spent lost in thought, she realized that sometimes beauty can be found even in moments tinged with sadness. As the drizzle became thicker, Eiry turned around to leave the balcony and closed the sliding door. She was going to stay behind the glass observing the glooming rainy city, but she heard the door of the bedroom open and then shut. Her body tensed and her hands closed tight around the warm cup as if she was afraid of what was coming. She was afraid indeed. Her heart started beating fast and even before she turned around, she heard his steps nearer and then stop and then he spoke.

"Your flight is at five." He told her and just like that, Eddie stuck a knife in her heart. Not just one of hurt but she felt it as a betrayal.

"Ed..." She whispered with tears in her eyes that prevented her from gazing at the view outside.

"You better pack." He said sounding cold and that detail made her frown. He didn't sound like himself at all and that very instant, Eiry had the courage to turn around and face him.

"I don't understand..." She whispered.

For a few instants, they just stared at one another. His curls falling wildly over his face. His hands covered with the leaves of the oversized shirt. Eddie looked firm, unshaken by her teary eyes.

"Even yesterday you were asking me not to leave and suddenly..." She didn't finish her sentence as her voice chocked and her lips trembled.

"Like I said..." Eddie opened the small wardrobe and grabbed her black leather suitcase. "You better pack. It was not easy to get you a flight..." He rested it on the bed, opened.

"You're an asshole." Eiry rested her cup of coffee on the desk where the TV rested and walked towards the wardrobe.

"Yeah..." He responded, and she saw him nodding by the corner of her eye. "Maybe I am, but you are coming back home today."

Eiry decided not to add anything else as tension between them reached its peak. The room felt heavy with unspoken words as she started meticulously packing her bags, each fold of clothing a painful reminder of what was to come. She was coming back home not because she chose it, not because her boss had ordered her back, but because Eddie no longer wanted her around. Eiry's heart pounded with anger and confusion. How could Eddie make such a decision? Their relationship had always been built on mutual understanding and compromise, but this sudden upheaval shattered their delicate balance. As she methodically placed her belongings into the suitcase, Eiry's frustration grew. She couldn't fathom why he would choose to uproot their lives without considering the consequences.

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