Cheers To Goodbye

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Ricky's POV

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I shoved Spencer and almost yelled, remembering Jacee was asleep back in the bunks. We had just gotten back on the bus, still in our stage outfits and sweaty messes.

    "Woah, woah, hey!" Patrick raised his voice restraining me from Spencer. We never fight like this but I was getting heated. Spencer and Jacee have been spending so much time together and really bonding, pushing me to feel like I'm her back up yet I want to take it out on Spencer who has not made the situation any better. Yes, I am jealous. He's Spencer fucking Charnas. All the girls swoon over him, especially since the Silver Scream era.

"Woah man, what the fuck did I do to you?" Spencer spat back throwing his hands up defensively.

My face was beet red. "Can I have my girl back? I really would appreciate my girlfriend back!"

Right on que, Jacee walk down the hallway to the common area rubbing her eyes to see Spencer and I in each other's face. Her eyes went wide. "Uh, what am I interrupting? I'm trying to sleep guys."

"Nothing!" Spencer and I shouted at the same time, staring each other down. Instantly regretting shouting her way, I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead and hugged her tightly. "Nothing, just got into a heated conversation. Let's go to bed." I mumbled softly into her hair. Last thing I want is to scare her or worry her, she has enough going on right now. I took her hand and led her to my bunk, pulling her down playfully and snuggled her close to me. It wasn't long until we fell asleep.

Jacee's POV

"Jace, we need to talk." Mark said sternly as I walked back on the bus. All the guys were sitting down in the common area not wanting to make eye contact with me except for Keith.

"Uh, okay? Is everything alright?" I was nervous. I had no clue what was going on.

"Jacee.." Keith started, and I knew this was not going to be a good talk. "You know we love you right? You have been spending a lot of time with the guys over at Ice Nine Kills which don't get it twisted, is great. We are really happy for you and Ricky, however, you have not been very present with us, and the band does not feel like a big priority to you anymore. With that being said, we have all talked and decided this is going to be our last tour together." My jaw dropped to the floor. "We just want you to know that we love you so much, you are our sister and this is strictly business."

Holy. Shit. This isn't happening. I suppose I have been blind when it comes to how long I have been spending with Ice Nine Kills, and that makes me feel horrible. "I..I don't know what to say...I love you guys so much and this is my passion, but honestly I respect your decision and from your perspective I get it, I just feel a little blindsided that you didn't come to me and talk about it."

"Jacee, honey. You never gave us a chance to come and talk to you. You've been so busy. We love you so much." Mark pulled me into his side and held me while tears spilled out of my eyes. I backed away and wiped them. "Let's make the most of these last shows together." He gave me a sad smile, and I reciprocated.

Ricky's POV

We did our pre show rituals early so we could watch Magic Marbles set before hours. Their set is literally magical. They had one song left and Jacee started a speech before, something she doesn't usually do. "Hey everyone, first I want to say thank you so fucking much for coming out. This tour has meant the world to us and we've gained so many new friends, you are our friends. Who's ready for Ice Nine Kills?!" She hyped up the crowd. "And what about In This Moment?!" The crowd got louder and then quiet as she resumed her speech. This is the most I've heard her talk in a few days. She's been avoiding everyone so I thought I'd give her space until she's ready to talk. "You guys mean the world, and so do these bands that we've made so many memories with." She started crying and looked over at me. This is so not like her. "As a band, we have decided that this is our last tour together."

My mouth dropped to the ground practically, looking around to see the rest of us looking at each other with the same expression, so confused. None of us saw that coming, she didn't tell any of us. "We love you all so much and thank you for your support over the last couple of years! This song is called Cheers to Goodbye!" The crowd roaring giving them the the love they deserved.

Jacee's POV

Spencer gave me the largest bear hug as we finished up the song as the crowd went nuts chanting 'Magic Marble'. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. This crowd was the first one to hear about our disbanding because I wanted to make it intimate before releasing a statement on social media, already having a video made to post tonight before word spread rapidly. These fans are feral when it comes to that kind of news.

"I'm so fucking proud of you." Spencer said genuinely into my ear during our hug, which made the tears flow more. I ran off the stage so fast, pushing through everyone including Ricky. I could tell all eyes were on me. I could tell Ricky was hurt not knowing this information ahead of time, and being comforted by Spencer before him. I did feel bad but Spencer was already on stage with me.

I hid in the green room knowing it would be a while before Ricky could find me because they were on stage next. God, I feel so fucking stupid for not paying more attention. I feel so shattered not knowing what I'm going to do next. After about 45 minutes of crying and my band checking on me every once in a while as I shooed them away, Ricky walked into the green room and sat down next to me.

He could tell I was a wreck. He looked at me with sympathetic eyes and wiped my tears. "Baby, it's going to be all right." Was all he said before pulling me into his side, his hand on the back on my head playing with my hair for a few minutes. He cupped my chin, drawing me to look at him making eye contact. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I..I was so blindsided myself, but I'm the reason for this all. I didn't know what to do and just pushed everyone away and I'm so sorry." I choked out in between sobs, no more tears spilling probably because I didn't have anymore. "I don't know what I'm going to do now. This is all I know.." I broke his embrace and basically fell into the fetal position on the couch.

"Hey, it's going to be all right. You have nothing to be sorry for." He was always so comforting. I could see the wheels turning in his brain, thinking of his next thought hard. "Move in with me. You can tour with us and we'll find you a job on the road." I was taken aback by his statement. Ricky and I have only been together for this tour, but I really was starting to like him, a lot.

Moving in doesn't necessarily mean we have to rush into anything, and I was comfortable with the risk. "You'd do that for me?" I asked sheepishly.

He chuckled. "I definitely mean it, I'd love a roommate and so would Starks. Plus, I like having you around." He poked my side provoking me to laugh.

I guess I am moving to Pennsylvania.

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