You Want to Play a Fucking Game?

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It is now February and sitting in the court room is hard, Spencer has been taken to court after pleading not guilty. They had his fingerprints on the scene, but have not been able to find the knife wherever he had hidden it, I don't even know. He explained to his lawyer exactly what had happened..sort of.

"Spencer, in your own words please explain what happened that night. I understand you're pleading not guilty."
"Yes sir, I didn't do anything maliciously and did not kill him. You see, I was walking to the store and had noticed this man assaulting a defenseless woman. I stepped in and knocked him to the ground unconscious, but it was purely self defense. I did not even have a weapon on me. I needed to get her to the hospital as quickly as possible so I picked her up and got her to the hospital. I saved her life."
"How do you explain the stab wounds?"
"That I cannot explain. I had no weapon on me. I'm not a violent man, I just wanted to save her life."
"I understand your fiancee passed away last year?"
"Yes sir..I'm still grieving. We had a break in..heartbreaking and bloody..I never want to see anything like that again."
"I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Charnas, I am going to do my absolute best to get you out of this. The best outcome, maybe an assault charge, and dropping of the murder charge. Without a weapon found, they lack evidence and your story sticks and makes sense, at least to me."

Spencer was held without bail considering he's been indicted for murder. The trial has become public and luckily most fans have stood up for him and the rest of the band, who has been lying low and trying to work on ideas for when Spencer comes back.

Ricky wanted, and still wants to take me back to PA with him, but I begged him to stay at mine and Spencer's home because I cannot abandon him like this. He finally caved and flew back home to pick Starks up and fly back to Los Angeles.

This was day 9 of trial. Every day I begged and pleaded the police wouldn't find the murder weapon, it would be game over. I also hoped they would not rope me into this and find my DNA on scene. I need to know where that weapon is.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the woman that we saved took the stand to recall what happened that day.

"I was walking home and all of the sudden I was jumped and pulled into an alley. The man hurt me and got too handsy." She started to sniffle. He hit me so hard, multiple times. Next thing I know, barely with it..and bear with me here." She started to cry, which made me break into tears as I saw the evidence on her body on the screen while she spoke. "As much as I can remember, before I blacked out. I remember this man." Pointing at Spencer, and I instantly became anxious over what was about to leave her mouth.

"This man knocked my attacker out in order to save me and self defense for him as well. This man is no murderer. My attacker met his demise after he saved my life, which is unfortunate, but I do not believe for a second this man did this because he took me to the hospital."

I smiled, internally of course knowing this woman might save Spencer. Spencer may have actually killed, and will never admit he's guilty, but he didn't kill innocent people, only people who deserve it and this man certainly did. We found out his rap sheet was a long history of violence, especially towards women. "Ma'am." The defense attorney spoke. "Was there an accomplice with him at any time?" I gulped. "At first I thought I saw a woman, and I realized that I was hallucinating, so close to death I realized she was an angel." The defense attorney didn't seem to buy it but he let it go, she was not about to tell a victim she was wrong. That would cross the line. "That's all for today your honor."

I sighed of relief when court was adjourned for today. Hopefully this won't last much longer. "You okay?" Ricky asked as we walked down the steps of the court room. "Yeah, just thinking." Ricky nodded. I stopped before I got into the car and looked at Ricky over the hood. "Ricky, could you do something for me tomorrow?" He looked back at me and met his gaze with mine, and butterflies started to erupt in the pit of my stomach. "Anything for you."

I gave him a small smile and we got into the car. "Can you visit him tomorrow?" Implying Spencer. "You don't want to?" He raised his eyebrows at me. "'s too much." He nodded and met his hand with mine. "I need you to ask him where he left the necklace he bought me, I can't find it." Ricky hesitantly nodded, I could feel a little bit of sadness in his voice. I hate doing this to him, lying to him. My life has changed for the worst. I use to be a front woman for a band that I put my heart and soul into, my life has been completely torn in two and I need a way out.

Spencer's POV

I'm ready to get out of this hell hole. I don't belong in here with these disgusting creeps that have done disturbing things or these murderers who kill innocent people. I've had to control myself and be a model student, maintaining my innocence.

"Charnas, you've got a visitor." One of the corrections officers called and set me free from this cell I call my temporary home. I am handcuffed at my hands and feet, shuffling on the concrete floors of the maximum security wing. I have a feeling Jacee has come to visit me, which could be a dangerous move. The officer had me sit in a chair with glass in front of the little cell I was put in with a phone, awaiting my partner in crime's arrival.

"He's in the last cell, stay to the left." I heard the officer say to my guest and heard a small thank you that I couldn't make out. "Don't get close to the glass, and be careful." I rolled my eyes. I awaited a minute and to my surprise Ricky came into view, sat down and we simultaneously picked up the phone. "5 minutes, Charnas." The officer reminded me and walked away.

"Spencer, what is going on?! You holding up?" Ricky asked, looking like he's seen a ghost. I needed to be very careful with my responses, knowing these calls are carefully monitored. "Ricky, this is all a mistake. I saved that girl, but I'm holding it together. It's a scary place and I don't belong." I pleaded, sounding shaken up. "I know that man, I never doubted that. I just hope this clears up real soon, we miss you." I looked down. "How's J?" I asked nervously. "On edge all the time, man. She knows you are innocent. I bet they've blamed this on you because of what our band writes and we just happened to be in the area, it's not fair. You saved a life and that's amazing." Ricky paused before continuing. "She didn't want to see you like this. And she asked me to ask where her necklace is that you bought her?" My eyes went slightly wide, but had to hide the shock. It's better if she doesn't know. "In the guest room, in a box." I kept it short, wanting to change the subject. She'll know exactly what I'm talking about. "Rick, this is causing her too much pain..I think you should take her back home with you when this is all over."

"Time's up, Charnas. Let's go."

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