Hunting Season Is Open

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I passed Spencer in the hallway, walking towards the green room. He gave me a look, signaling tonight was the night. We were on a new tour now. A small one with Ice Nine Kills and Knocked Loose for just two weeks. Spencer and I have continued to live together and he has begun teaching me. Before I started submitting to Spencer, I didn't even know how to shoot a gun. Now, I am hitting the target every single time whether it's shooting or knife throwing. He's even tested me blindfolded. This tour has been awkward between Ricky and I. Somewhere underneath my thick layers of skin, I still wanted him, screaming for him to save me. It's almost like he is my weakness, and he may be. But the more time I spend with Spencer, the less human I feel, the less emotions I have to deal with. There was no turning back. He promised my nightmares would disappear, and ever since sharing a bed, they have.

I entered the lively green room just to have it go silent as I walked in. I knew Ricky told the rest of the about me, and how I've changed since shacking up with Spencer. I'm not really sure how he found out about that, but I guess everyone knows now. I walked straight to the coffee maker and popped my k cup in and filled the water container back up without making eye contact. "Hey, guys." I said emotionlessly, not expecting anyone to converse with me. "Hey Jacee. How are you today?" Patrick spoke up. He was the only one who still willingly treated me like the same person. "Good. Ready for show?" Still focusing on my coffee. "Yes ma'am."

Another voice I was not prepared to chime in spoke in my ear with a pain of hands on my waist. "Are you ready, my dear?" Spencer. I smiled to myself while stirring my coffee only to turn around and Spencer to take it and drink it. I scoffed at him but was still smiling. "Spencer Charnas, you stoled my coffee!" I playfully smacked him in the arm. The guys went wide eyed knowing how I am without my coffee. "You're going to pay for that one, bud." Patrick spoke up, laughing but also being semi serious. "Oh I know I will." He turned around and winked in my direction before exiting the green room.

I turned around to make myself coffee, for the second time, before following suit and also exiting the green room, giving the boys a small smile before. "You" Spencer smiled as I met him side stage while Knocked Loose was on stage. Being with Spencer..and what we do has made my confidence soar and I loved it. I use to be the girl that was so shy when not onstage, never confident enough in how I looked. "Thank you." I could feel Ricky's piercing eyes zeroing in on us but I couldn't bear to look.

After the show, Spencer and I hung out with the guys, watching Final Destination on the bus couch. We had to wait until everyone was asleep to make our moves so we wouldn't raise suspicion. We've been doing this for two months now without getting caught, Spencer paying off an owner of a shooting range so we could use it at night. One by one it everyone started trickling out of the room to go to bed leaving Spencer and I...and Ricky. The two always acted as normal, they say they don't have any animosity around each other but I don't know how much of that is true, I know Ricky must feel it towards me.

I pretended to be tired and said goodnight to the boys, waiting for Spencer to wake me up. It took a while, I could hear them joking around and talking shit about the characters in the movie. I smiled to myself. Breaking up the band is not apart of the plan, so we need to execute this perfectly, to make everything normal during the day.

Finally I felt a hand gently shake me away. "Good morning my beautiful partner in crime." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and he helped me up. I got dressed quickly and quietly before tiptoeing off the bus with Spencer. We made our way down to the park where we kept everything we need hidden in the concession area. Apparently Spencer has people everywhere. You piss him off, good luck getting out of anything. We entered the concession stand and I noted the time 1:03 AM. Our goal was to be back on the bus by 4:00 AM before our early risers woke up. Before going in to the small walk in fridge, Spencer pushed me up against the door giving me a passionate kiss. "Are you going to be a good girl and follow every single direction I give you?" He commanded. I wanted to do anything with him but work right now, but I know he would get mad if I tried anything, he was too focused on our work. "Yes." I whispered against the cold steel door. "I don't think I heard you correctly?" I gulped. "Yes sir." He smiled against my skin getting what he wanted. "Play time is for later, baby girl. You fuck up and every one will know."

He let me go and swung open the steel door to the walk in fridge to let is in. "I did the easy part of us, love. Our prey is already here." He smiled wickedly, circling the tall, blonde haired main that was unconsciously tied to the wooden chair. "However, he's your prey now." He glanced over at me. "Are you..are you sure I can do this?" I asked nervously. He walked over to me and cupped my cheek and looked directly into my eyes. I wouldn't have brought you here if I did not think you were ready. I'm going to wake up, and tell him to run, and you're going to hunt him. "Wake up!" He shook the man, going from unconscious to conscious. Even though I could not see his face yet, he looked scared and questioned where he was. Spencer got down to eye level with him. "You know why you're here. You know what you did. I'm going to release you now, and you're going to run." Spencer pointed in my direction. "My beautiful lady over here is going to hunt you down." Spencer stood up and I tossed him the handcuff keys and unlocked the man while I prepared my tools.

I finally got to make eye contact with the man who was going to be my first victim. The electricity was pumping through my veins. My heart practically jumped into my throat when our eyes me. "Don...?" I was in disbelief. But there was more time to question. Spencer gave him
the command to run. While I gave him some time to get some headway into the woods, Spencer came over and gave me on more good luck steamy kiss. "You've got this." I took a breath and headed out to hunt the man I've wanted to take down all of these years.

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