You Can't Kill the Boogeyman

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*smut warningggggg*

  I woke up yesterday with the worst headache possible. Stupid fucking meds. I tried to tell Spencer that they're driving me mad and he reminded me they take a while to effectively work. I rolled out of bed and immediately bumped into someone, causing me to fall down. Spencer with his cat like reflexes caught me by the small of my back, stopping me from hitting the ground. He brought me back up and we were so close, unable to break eye contact. His beautiful eyes twinkled, but there was something dark still looming. He slid his hands from the small of my back to the waistband of my booty shorts, and then to my ass. "Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear. I was doing everything I could not to fold until his touch that sent electricity through my veins.

  "Yeah.." I mumbled. "Did you sleep well?" He continued in my ear. "Y-yeah." I could barely get any words out at this point. Lord I hope there is no one on this bus right now.  "That's my girl." I felt my core and my cheeks heat up. What is he doing to me?

  He turned me around so I was facing away from him, still wrapped up in his embrace. My mind was officially in a trance and had no control over my thoughts anymore. He ran his fingertips slowly up and down my body, stopping at my waistband every time. His lips curled into a smile against my collarbone, small kisses up to my ear and hovered over it. "Would you kill for me?" He whispered and gently brushed his curled lips against my shoulder before returning to my ear. "What about dying for me?" Another kiss. "Would you live for me?"

  I heard every word but my thoughts were taken over by a strange darkness that had consumed me. He whipped me around quickly so I could face him, expecting an answer. I gulped. "Yes." Deep down my insides were screaming at me to run, but my mind was in full control. Spencer connected his lips with mine, a very soft kiss, teasing to see what I would do. My eyes must have screamed please because Spencer waisted not time connecting our lips again, this time hungry for my taste. He squeezed my ass as a sign to jump and I obeyed, wrapping my legs around his waist never breaking the kiss. He stumbled to the couch, verifying there was no one of the bus. He tossed me gently on the couch. "They wont be back right?" I asked nervously. "Don't worry about that baby girl. I have everything covered." Still refusing to break eye contact with me as he hovered and took in every inch of my body. "God you're so gorgeous." I blushed and he reconnected his lips with mine, our tongues fighting for dominance, and he won. Spencer stopped and basically ripped my shirt off, and then his returning to hover over me. I took in every part of his arms and torso, tracing his tattoos before he connected his lips with my neck and trailing down to my waistline. I let out a whimper that I didn't even realize I was holding back, causing Spencer to smirk. He played with my waistband, clearly loving to tease me. "Spence.." I said, mainly coming out as a moan pleading for more. "Yes my dear?" He asked removing my panties and kissing up my thighs. "Please.." This was too much. I need him, and I needed him now. "Please what, baby girl?" Him calling me that was making it even more excruciating. "Please fuck me." I whimpered.

  He crawled back up to hover over me, now face to face. "Now what's the fun in that, we've got to enjoy ourselves first. Here's the rules, you do as I say, and if you get scared just tell me and I'll stop." I nodded. I'm sure you have some deep dark thoughts by now, don't you? From today forward you do as I say." I nodded. He's right, my dark mind was taking over and I'd do anything for him.

  "Get on your knees and put your face in the pillow." I did as he said as he took his pants and boxers off, and immediately pushing two of his fingers into me, gasping at the pleasure I felt. This went on for a couple of minutes before I orgasmed. "Spence.." He flipped me over on my back and hovered over me, not waisting another minute and entering me. I was a moaning and whimpering mess, to Spencer's liking. I flipped us back over against Spencer's wishes and tried to take over, but he still had control. He reached his hand up and wrapped it around my neck lightly with one hand, and drew circles around my clit with the other one. It wasn't long until we reached our highs, collapsing next to him on the couch.


Spencer's POV

  I was more than thrilled. I had the most beautiful girl in the world lying next to me, soon to become my partner in crime, literally. I won't let her end up like Nadia, unless she breaks the rules, but I really do love her, just like I loved Nadia. But she broke the rules and had to face the consequences of her actions. As long as Jacee follows my rules, just like she vowed, I'd die for her as well. She's my little devil, and she belongs to me.

  I carried a sleeping Jacee to her bunk, along with her clothes knowing the guys would be back any minute. I kissed her forehead before leaving her, "I love you." I mumbled against her skin.

  "You Spence what's up?" Joe greeted me as the guys filed back in the bus. I had just enough time to hop in the shower and straighten the bus out so no one suspected anything. "Is Jace here?" Ricky asked timidly. Well, this is awkward. "She's in her bunk, probably sleeping." Pretending like I didn't know anything. He said nothing as he headed towards the bunks. I could hear parts of their conversation. Ricky apologizing, Jacee apologizing to him and Ricky basically plea for her back, which made me shake my head and chuckle to myself. If he only knew the dark things that previously occurred. I could hear her saying that they need to just stay friends for now and that she still has love for him, which made me extremely jealous. I calmed myself down, reminding that she already committed to me, and her first project was to come soon.

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