You can pretend that you're sorry, but you're better off pretending you're dead

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Authors note:
Hey guys! I will be out of town next week so here is another chapter for you! I am actually going to the kiss of death tour and meeting the guys! Hope you all enjoy!

  "Jacee, is that blood? What did he do to you?" Ricky asked rushing over to me with a worried look on his face.

  Our victim was a rogue one, not planned at all. Spencer and I were taking a night walk and found this poor girl being mugged. Spencer saw red. "J, grab the girl!" Spencer yelled after he punched the guy and knocked him down. Spencer turned around to help me and didn't realize the piece of shit got up and ran at us and stabbed me in my side, luckily nothing deadly or too deep. I've never seen Spencer so angry. He grabbed his knife out of his boot and managed to stab the 6 foot 3 guy in the stomach, knocking him to the ground followed by another four stabs. "Piece of shit." Spencer may be shorter than him but he knows how to kill. "J, we need to get you both to a hospital." He crouched down in front of me and caressed my cheek with his hand. "Don't worry about me, we need to get her out of here. I'll be fine. Go get the car!" I winced holding my side while Spencer ran back to the bus, luckily not far away and we had a rental car since we were here for a few days. The pain is so bad but I'm more concerned about the barely conscious girl I'm holding onto.

  Spencer raced back to us and helped both of us up. I wanted to help Spencer carry her to the car but he wouldn't let me. I hopped in the back seat with her in my lap, trying to keep her awake. "Spence, hurry up! I'm not sure how much longer she can stay awake!" I yelled. "I know J! Do you want us to get pulled over?! I'd rather not explain to the cops why you're stabbed and I'm covered in not my blood!" He snapped.

  "I'm fine, Ricky." Holding my side wincing. Spencer had some left over gauze in case anything went sideways so I had made him patch me up. Ricky looked between us and then looked back at Spencer with fire his eyes. "What did you do?" He said sternly. "Nothing, man! We were walking and she fell and landed and an object got her in the side pretty good." He didn't buy it, but then looked at me and I nodded confirming what Spencer had said. "You need a hospital." Ricky pleaded and Spencer chimed in. "And that's what I told her."

  We pulled up to the emergency drop off and Spencer was ready to grab the now unconscious girl to run her in but I stopped him right before. "Spence!" I gasped. "What?" I pointed at his hands. "You didn't put your gloves on did you.." I trailed off. Spencer had retrieved the knife at the scene however since this was unplanned, he didn't have his gloves. His fingerprints have to be all over that goddamn scene. "Fuck!" He yelled and hit his hands on the steering wheel. If his fingerprints were there, so are mine. "How the hell are we going to get her in there?!" I panicked. We are running out of time. "Jace, you need medical attention too.." I stared out the window and watched a woman approach the entrance. "No I don't.." I trailed off getting out of the car. "Ma'am!" I called to the woman with the unconscious girl around my shoulder. "Can you help me get this woman help?" She ran over and helped us in. I played off my injury as her blood, said thank you, and disappeared to the car.

  "Spencer, let me." Ricky wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me to my bunk and sat down next me. "What were you guys doing? I'm worried about you with him, Jace. Things have been off." He was very concerned, if he only knew. "My meds please?" I asked him avoiding his questioning. He reached over my bunk to grab a bottle of ibuprofen and my anxiety meds before I freak out. Spencer has taken me back to the psychiatrist and she had given me a stronger dosage. "Jesus, Jacee. These are not safe." He stated sternly, looking into my eyes.

  He made me vulnerable, and I wanted to tell him everything. Something made me want to scream at him for help, something deep down. He took my hands. "Please let me help you." I could tell his eyes were pleading. Before I could even process my thoughts, Spencer poked his head in and I dropped Ricky's hands. "Everything good?" i nodded and Ricky left without saying anything leaving Spencer and I alone. "We need to talk." Was the last thing I said before I fell asleep.

  "So howl at the moon, oh how can it be?
The softer the skin the sharper the teeth"

  Last stop of the tour and I can get back to LA and relax for a bit. This show has been really nice, and for a moment I forgot about everything going on. 

  "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the beautiful Jacee, you may know her from Magic Marble." Spencer insisted we put this on the setlist tonight. "Hey hey!" I called out into the mic. It felt good to be on stage again, and I was almost healed from my wound.

  "So kiss me goodbye, say goodnight
Hold back your tears, don't you cry
Which would be worse?
To live as a monster or die as a hero tonight"

  Something about this song started to give me chills. After the song, Spencer embraced me in a hug and kissed me extremely close to my mouth which sent shivers down my spine. This will be all over the internet tomorrow.

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