Welcome to the Rainforest

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Tempest was so excited. Her parents had finally let her go exploring, she, along with her parents and brothers, lived near the edge of the SeaWing kingdom. I mean, yes, Tempest loved the small town she lived in, but sometimes it was just too much and she would often go for a fly to calm her mind.

But, the best part of getting to go out and explore in Tempest's opinion, was the fact that her oldest and dearest friend was going along for the ride too.

The dragonet in question was an IceWing. Though her scales were completely white, her tail spikes were a dark blue. A necklace with sapphires hung around her neck while a ring, also embedded with a sapphire, was on her horn.

"Uh, Tempest? Where are we going?" Ermine asked her companion as they kept on flying to StarClan-knows-where.

Tempest smiled softly and turned to face Ermine. "We're going to the rainforest," she replied and Ermine gave the SeaWing a questioning look in response.

"I've heard that it's really nice there, and I've also heard that Queen Glory is really nice." Tempest said, smiling warmly at Ermine, who gave a soft smile in response.

"How long will it take to get there?" Ermine asked while staring up at her with curious icy blue eyes.

The SeaWing dragonet thought for a moment before she finally answered her question.

"We're almost there, in fact - we've just now arrived. So C'mon, let's land and start exploring!" she said, smiling and winking at Ermine. Tempest then quickly flew down and landed on the forest floor with Ermine landing right beside her, her white scales shimmering in the sunlight as she touched down onto the forest floor.

Tempest could only stare in shock at how absolutely gorgeous the rainforest looked in person. She turned to look over at Ermine, who looked around with couscous eyes. With a sigh, Tempest put a comforting wing around her friends shoulder and stared at her with a calm but sympathetic gaze.

"Hey, Ermine, relax. It's safe here, there's no need to worry, so c'mon, let's go explore," Ermine slowly nodded her head and shook out her wings. "Ok," she said in a more confident voice. "Let's go," the SeaWing dragonet cheered with delight and gave her friend a bright smile before running off in a random direction.

Ermine was a bit more calm then her friend was. She was also in aw of how beautiful the rainforest looked, but she was also extremely careful of her surroundings. What if something attacked them? What if there's dangerous plants? Or what if- Ermine sighed and took a deep breath, shaking her head and instead focused on the calming scent drifting from the leaves of the many trees that were all around them. The IceWing sighed once more and followed Tempest through the trees. "I wonder what Queen Glory is like?" she muttered to Tempest with a thoughtful look on her face. The SeaWing turned to stare at her with excitement shimmering in her aqua green eyes. "I dunno, I guess we'll find that out when we meet the RainWing queen," Tempest replied, shrugging her wings and staring up at the canopy of trees that let a few bursts of sunlight escape from the spindaly fingers of branches and leaves.

"Queen Glory's really nice," came a voice from somewhere close by. Ermine yelped and jumped about a foot in the air in surprises.

"Who are you?" the IceWing dragonet asked while looking up at the NightWing with curious and nervous eyes.

The NightWing smiled warmly at Ermine and replied in a cheery voice, "you're quite the couscous type, aren't you?" Ermine smiled sheepishly and lowered her gaze from the older dragon's dark green one. "My name's Secretkeeper, nice to meet you!" she said with a chearful smile on her face.

"My name's Ermine, and this is my best friend, Tempest," Ermine replied, giving Secretkeeper a small but kind smile.

Tempest smiled kindly up at Secretkeeper, she seemed like a nice dragon and Tempest felt like she could show them around the RainWing village. "It's very nice to meet you, Secretkeeper. Umm, if I may ask, do you know where we could find Queen Glory?"

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