The History Project

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Seriously? A history project that lasts an entire term?" Peacemaker groaned as he rested his chin on his talons, all the while sitting with his winglet during their lunch break in between their History and Self Defense courses.

Day three into the term and Peacemaker already was not looking forward to the History course with Webs after going to his class for the day and, to Peacemaker's distaste, already the history teacher was giving the class a 'Do or Fail' assignment.

Topic? Anything in Pyrrhian and Panatalan history about the various dragon tribes within the last two thousand years.

It did not sound so difficult when it was first announced, and Peacemaker was actually looking forward to it.

At first...

The moment she began to think of potential topics for the project... He realized that he had no idea on what he wanted to contribute to the winglet.

It didn't help that the rest of the Quartz Winglet was having trouble coming up with a history project.

Well, everyone except Inyx, that is.

"How about the NightWing and IceWing War?" Asked Onyx, twitching her tail back and forth as she looked at the rest of the winglet for an answer.

Peacemaker, Auburn, Summer, Read and Tempest glanced at one another at the idea, nodding in approval, though Peacemaker nodded simply because he thought if anything his clawmates could come up with, then it had to be good... He knew some history, but ancient history? It was always hard to remember names and dates.

It looked like his Winglet had reached an agreement, at least until Ermine spoke up.

"Umm, I'm not sure, that might not be the best idea. That might cause some unnecessary fighting amongst the IceWing and NightWing students. And I wouldn't want that to happen, especially not in the middle of the classroom," Ermine quietly observed. Peacemaker thought for a moment before replying, "Yeah, let's play it safe and choose something else." Peacemaker said, and the others all nodded in agreement and so... The process started from the bottom of the haystack.

"We'll think of something. I know we will." Peacemaker said, trying to stay positive. Peacemaker was never good at history or science. "Yeah, Peacemaker's right. We'll think of something. I knw we will, and plus, we have a lot of time to think of something," Ermine said, finishing her last math problem. Peacemaker smiled warmly at the IceWing dragonet, who smiled right back at him.

Ermine awoke slowly to the sun shining into her eyes. She groaned and after a few more minutes of trying and failing to get back to sleep, Ermine eventually decided to just get up. She sighed and shook her wings, grabbing her bag of across, she slung the bag of her shoulder as she excided the sleeping cave that she and Tempest had chosen.

Ermine walked out into the common cave to see that Tempest was already awake. She smiled, and bounded over to the SeaWing. "Good morning, Tempest." Ermine spoke up happily. The SeaWing gave the IceWing dragonet a bright smile in greeting. "Hay, I have a random idea. Let's go swimming in the underground river." Ermine said happily. And the two dragonets headed to the river to swim and make small talk while they waited for their classes to start.

As the two dragonets were swimming, Ermine was quietly making small talk with Tempest. "I still have no idea what we're going to do for our project." Ermine said, frowning down at her reflection in the water. "Don't stress about it so much. We still have a lot of time to think about it." The SeaWing said reassuringly, Ermine smiled warmly at her oldest friend and they kept on swimming.

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