The Four Hybrid Dragonets

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Tempest awoke slowly the next morning. It was pretty early, but she didn't feel like getting up just yet.

She turned her head to see that Ermine was gone. She must be up already. Tempest thought silently to herself with a fond smile forming on her face. After a few more minutes of sitting in silane, Tempest decided to get up and go see what Ermine was up to.

As the young water dragon was walking through the line of trees, she could hear voices. Growing curious, she slowly approached the place where the voices were coming from. Upon stepping into the clearing, Tempest patted over and sat down next to Ermine.

"So, this is Tempest, huh?" one of the dragonets addressed her and she turned her gaze upon the two dragonets. "It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Clearfrost and this is my younger sister, Nightwave."

Tempest tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Are you two part SeWing?" she asked, giving the two hybrids a kind smile.

"No, we're part IceWing. My sister's name is unique - our parents weren't really thinking much at the time when thinking of our names. They were probably too excited." Clearfrost said, laughing quietly to herself and winking at her sister.

"So... what are you two doing here anyway, just out of curiosity?" Tempest asked while giving the two hybrids a curious look.

"We're just exploring, and plus - the rainforest is really pretty." Clearfrost said, smiling warmly as she spoke.

Tempest laughed quietly to herself and nodded her head in agreement.

Ermine smiled softly up at the two hybrid dragonets. But she still stayed close to Tempest.

"Um, hey, Nightwave? How old are you?" the white IceWing dragonet asked curiously and looked up at the NightWing/IceWing hybrid with a small smile and a questioning gleam in my eyes.

Nightwave gave her a friendly smile and spoke up, "I just turned six a few days ago." The younger hybrid exclaimed cheerfully with a wide grin plastered on her face.

Ermine giggled quietly to herself and smiled kindly up at Nightwave. She's only a year young than me and Tempest. Ermine mused silently to herself as she watched Nightwave and Clearfrost with curiosity.

It was silent for a while until Tempest spoke up in an attempt to break the tension in the air.

"What are you guys gonna do after your visit here is over?" the SeaWing dragonet asked the two hybrids, blinking curiously up at them and tilting her head to the side curiously.

"We've been invited to join Jade Mountain Academy! Isn't that exciting?" Clearfrost exclaimed cheerfull while Tempest and Ermine both nodded their head in agreement.

Tempest was glad that she and Ermine had met more dragonets. It was good because it would bring Ermine out of her shell. Well... at least... hopefully it will. The SeaWing dragonet was happy nonetheless, and the two of them spent the rest of the day getting to know both Nightwave and Clearfrost.

The light was fading by the time they could see anything other than waving grass. The lowering sun in the west tinted the sky a dusky orange, and the trees of the small clearing ahead of us was casting long shadows.

Tempest pushed her wings off the ground as hard as she could to get them moving, and soar through the open sky. The sun had set, emitting a dim golden glow across the flooded plains. The crescent moon glinted on the other side of the horizon.

By the time the four of them landed down onto the forest floor, it was already dark and many of the treehouses were darkened. Since they didn't know where to go, the four dragonets decided to just sleep outside on the ground under the stars.

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