Snow Day and No School

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Nightwave was completely amazed at what she saw when she woke up that morning. It had snowed overnight! They were still at Jade Mountain but the teachers had decided to give all of the students a snow day today.

The young NightWing/IceWing hybrid laughed quietly to herself as she watched Tempest and Ermine make a ton of snow dragons out of ice. Meanwhile, not far from where Nightwave was, she saw that Summer, Onyx, Auburn, and Reed were inhaled in a full of snowball fight... or should she say a snowball war? Nightwave then went over to Tempest and Ermine and helped them make more snow dragons.

Eventually, all of the dragonets in the Quartz Winglet were engaged in a snowball fight against the members of the Silver Winglet. The young hybrid had glanced behind her shoulder to see that most of the teachers were watching the fight intensely. Some of the other teachers, like Tsunami, Fatespeaker, Starflight, Clay, and Sunny soon joined in the fight.

Frostfire was pretty creative. She had somehow made a snowball that was on fire! How the heck does that work? Nightwave grinned widely at the other hybrid dragonet as she contined to watch her. But what was even more impressive, was the fact that the snowball wasn't melting! Nightwave ran over to the SkyWing/IceWing hybrid dragonet, who smiled widely at her and handed her a flaming snowball.

"Hey, Frostfire? Can you teach me how to do that?" Nightwave asked her, smiling brightly and flicking her tail in excitement. The other hybrid dragonet laughed quietly and nodded her head.

"Oh, and just to let you know Wave, it might take some time to get the technique down. It took me about a few weeks or so to finally master it." Frostfire explained to Nightwave as she rolled a snowball into a large ball with her talons.

Nightwave smiled brightly and nodded her head in pure excitement. "That's okay, Frostfire! This is gonna be such a fun experience!" she exclaimed with an excited flap of her pale blue wings. This trick is going to blow Tempest and Ermine's minds! Nightwave grinned widely to herself as she watched Frostfire closely.

Finally, after what felt like a few hours of trying to keep the snowball from melting, Nightwave finally managed to get the snowball to stay on fire without melting. Once Nightwave had gotten the technique down, she bounded over to Tempest and Ermine to show them her newly learned trick.

"Three moons! How-How did you do that?! And how is the snowball not melting?!" Tempest exclaimed with a wide-eyed look on her face.

The young water dragon was staring at the flaming snowball with wide aqua green eyes. Ermine was actually brought out of her scroll and the IceWing dragonet was staring with wide icy blue eyes at the sight in front of her. Nightwave laughed quietly to herself at two best friends

Tempest could only stare in wide-eyed fascination at the flaming snowball. It just doesn't make any sense! How the heck is that snowball not melting?! I mean, come on... IT'S ON FIRE!

The young SeaWing dragonet then turned to look for Nightwave's sister. She thinks her name's Clearfrost if she remembered correctly. After a few moments of searching, she spots a flash of pale blue scales out of the corner of her eye and she ran up to Clearfrost with excitement shining in her eyes.

"Oh, hi Tempest. What's up?" Clearfrost asked her with a curious tilt of her head. Tempest just grinned and led her over to where Nightwave, Ermine, and Frostfire were waiting.

"Wave, show Clearfrost what Frostfire taught you!" she exclaimed and the NightWing/IceWing hybrid dragonet nodded her head in excitement.

Soon enough: She had made a snowball that was now currintly on fire. Clearfrost just blinked in both shock and surprise.

"Three moons! How is that possible?!" She exclaimed in complete awe. Tempest just shrugged her wings and smiled in amusement. None of them knew how it made sense but it was a cool trick nonetheless.

"This is so much fun! I've never played in snow before." Nightwave said, looking down at the cold and frozen ice in a mix of both wonder and curiosity.

Tempest gasped and snapped her head to look over at her in surprise.

"Wait, really? You're serious? You're part IceWing and you've never seen snow in your life?" she asked, gaping in shock at the NightWing/IceWing hybrid.

Tempest was not a normal SeaWing: She knows that now. But why, you may ask? It's a simple answer really. It's because she LOVES SNOW! The SeaWing dragonet ran around happily, grinning widely to herself and chasing Ermine, Nightwave, Frostfire, and Auburn around in the snow.

Tempest grinned mistiefviously to herself and playfully threw a snowball at the unsuspecting SkyWing/IceWing hybrid. "This is amazing! I love the snow! Hey, I have an idea! Let's have a snowball fight!" she cheered and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

The snowball fight went down in history for its creativeness and quick but vicious aim. It was the best snowball fight ever.

Nightwave pushed her wings off the ground as hard as she could to get them moving, and soar through the open sky. The sun had set, emitting a dim golden glow across the flooded plains. The crescent moon glinted on the other side of the horizon.

The light was fading by the time she could see anything other than waving grass. The lowering sun in the west tinted the sky a dusky orange, and the trees of the small clearing ahead of them was casting long shadows.

She was cold - but that was normal for an IceWing. She had a lot of fun playing in the snow with her friends. "What do we do now?" Nightwave asked, blinking and tilting her head to the side.

Tempest was the one to answer her question.

"We should decorate the common cave!" the SeaWing said, smiling widely. The young hybrid grinned widely and they all began decorating the Quartz Winglet's Common Cave.

"Christmas is a Beautiful time of year. Don't you guys think?" Nightwave asked, looking around at her friends and clawmates as she spoke. This was the BEST. DAY. EVER! Those were her last thoughts before sleep claimed her. Tomorrow would be a normal day of classes, but Nightwave didn't care.

I was awoken early that morning to the sun shining into my face. I gave a quiet sigh and tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail, so with an annoyed sigh, I reluctantly got up and began to get ready for the day.

"Well... you know what they say, the early bird gets the worm." Nightwave muttered tiredly to herself with a small yawn and a lazy flick of my spiked tail.

Usually Nightwave was always up before the sun had even risen in the sky. But she had stayed up late talking to Tempest and Ermine the night before. Nightwave yawned again and rubbed her talons over her eye, trying to rub away the last remains of sleep from her eyelids.

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