Family Trouble and More Snow

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Ermine sighed softly to herself as she put down her feather and stared down at her ink-stained talons. She had been writing a letter to her mother and friends back at home in the Ice-kingdom. The young IceWing had never gotten a letter back about her sister, Snowstar, who had not been heard from in moons, and Ermine was beginning to get very very worried about her big sister.

Ermine knew how strict her tribe was when it came to formalities. She knew from experience that the slightest twitch in ears or rattle of spikes could be grounds for dismissal so she'd always stay completely still and stare straight ahead of her. And that's why she shared everything with Tempest and the rest of her winglet. IceWing society looked down on showing any emotion during guard duty, and she'd been reminded of this many times by her quarter leader, Mink.

After one last heart-felt letter to her mother, Queen Bluemoon, Ermine decided to go and see what the other members of the Quartz Winglet were up to. She left the sleeping cave that she and Tempest had shared and headed out into the common cave where the rest of her winglet were sitting over a history scroll.

Tempest was the first to notice the IceWing standing in the entrance of the common cave. She smiled softly and came to join Ermine near the shelves. "So..." the SeaWing started in a low voice. "Have you heard anything else about Snowstar's disappearance?" Tempest asked her friend with a worried frown forming on her face. Ermine sighed and twitched her tail from side-to-side like a cat as she stared at her friend. "Nope, nothing yet." The IceWing replied with a soft sigh. "Are you talking about your sister?" The two Dragonets looked to see Peacemaker walking over to join them, the NightWing/RainWing hybrid took a seat next to them on the cave floor. Ermine nodded slowly in response to his question.

"Queen Bluemoon hasn't heard anything at all? Not even a letter?" Tempest asked in concern as she stared into her friends icy blue eyes. "Snowstar hasn't been heard from since I started at the academy," was Ermine's distraught response. "It'll be alright, Ermine. I'm sure your mom has sent a patrol out to find her." Peacemaker reassured his clawmate from his place beside Tempest. Ermine gave a soft smile in response and the three friends just sat in a comfortable silence for what felt like moons.

"So... what are we going to do?" Peacemaker asked the IceWing dragonet with a small frown forming on his face. Ermine just sighed sadly and shrugged her wings, she didn't have any ideas. "How about we think of happy things instead," the SeaWing said with a nervous laugh and a sheepish smile on her face. "That's a great idea, what do you think, Peacemaker?" Ermine asked the NightWing/RainWing hybrid dragonet with a flick of her tail.

Peacemaker had just opened his mouth to start saying something when Onyx's excited call interrupted his attempt to speak.

The three dragonets turned to see the other four members of the Quartz Winglet standing out in the hallway with excised looks on there faces. "It's snowing outside! And it's snowing hard!"

Tempest, Ermine, and Peacemaker all turned to look out the window, and yep, sure enough, it was snowing. Ermine smiled softly as she turned to both Tempest and Peacemaker. They were both grinding just as brightly as she was.

"Don't know why everyone is so excited," Ermine said. "It snows every day in the Ice Kingdom."

Tempest laughed and playfully nudged her friend in the shoulder. "Well most of them probably haven't had a snow day in their lives," Tempest offered with a small smile and a flick of her tail. "So come on! What are you waiting for? Let's go outside and play!" Onyx called out while racing out of the common cave and out into the snow-covered world.

"Hurry up you three! Let's go out and play before the snow melts or something," came the voice of Summer. "Ok ok relax! We're coming, Summer." The IceWing said as they stepped out into the halls, now being flooded with students from the other Winglets as they raced for the nearest entrance.

IceWings were among the excised students, Ermine noticed. It seemed like even they wanted a reminder of home, or to just take a day off of classes.

"Let's go," Ermine grinned as the three walked together.

"Well, time to show you two how to make a snow dragon!" Auburn said, playfully batting a wing against Ermine's

"Oh please, Auburn: You haven't seen mine," Tempest replied with a playful roll of her eyes. "I've had lots of practice."

"Is that a challenge, Tempest?" Auburn quirked her brow up amusingly at her response.

From the corner of her eye, Ermine saw Tempest give a smirk directed Auburn. "You'll see soon enough."

"Challenge accepted!"

The more her two friends bantered back and forth about snow-based competitions, Ermine could not help but smile to herself as the three stepped out of the Academy and into the snow-covered world outside. Once they crossed the threshold: Ermine was greeted with a sight that made her heart jump with happiness.

The entire school was outside, in the midst of the snow. Both students and teachers were either playing in the snow or flying in amongst the endless flurry of flakes.

Unfurling her wings, Ermine smiled as she flew into the air with her Winglet. As they flew on, snowflakes were flurrying all around them. And as they flew on, Ermine's earlier fears about her missing sister were extinguished as she enjoyed the day off of school with Tempest, Peacemaker and the rest of her winglet.

Then they flew forth, exploring the snow-covered lands... together.

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