Ermine's Math Quiz

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Ermine sighed softly to herself and looked down at her math quiz with nervousness. Would I pass? Would I fail? What if I don't do well? she thought worldly to herself as she took a deep breath and started to work on my quiz again.

Later that morning, Ermine walked into her next class feeling very proud of herself.

"Did you pass your quiz, Ermine?" the IceWing dragonet turned to see Peacemaker and Tempest staring eagerly at her. Ermine gave them both a bright smile and nodded her head.

"That's amazing! See, I told you that you didn't have to worry so much." Tempest said, smiling brightly.

"Thank you, Tempest." She replied with a soft smile forming on her face and the SeaWing dragonet grinned happily in response.

Tempest was smiling happily to herself. Ermine had past her math quiz with flying colors.

"I'm so glad that Ermine passed her math quiz!" Peacemaker exclaimed excitedly and the SeaWing dragonet smiled warmly at both her boyfriend and best friend.

"Hey, Ermine? What was you score on your quiz?" Tempest asked, looking over at Ermine curiously.

"I got a score of 100%." The IceWing replied happily and Tempest grinned and turned to Peacemaker.

"Isn't that amazing! Ermine passed her quiz! Isn't that great, Peacemaker?" she asked her boyfriend and the NightWing/RainWing hybrid nodded his head eagerly in response.

"What do we do now?" Auburn asked, walking up beside Tempest, Ermine, and Peacemaker. The SeaWing dragonet just shrugged her wings in response. "I'm not sure, but our next class will start soon so we should probably start heading there." She told the others, who all nodded and together, the four dragonets made their way to their next class of the day.

"Morning," Auburn muttered, the SkyWing sitting on a cushion around the fire, rubbing a talon over her eyelids. "Urgh, Peril was right, they do like to get us up early."

"There is lots of stuff to do," Came the cool voice of Ermine, walking out of her and Tempest's sleeping cave with a bag of scrolls around her neck.

Peacemaker wondered if those were recreational scrolls? Or were they all historical, about the IceWing tribe, like the one she had been reading yesterday?

Instead of coming to join the rest of the Winglet, Ermine appeared to go towards the walls of the common cave, examining a shelf of scrolls, all of which owned by the school itself.

Auburn sighed. "But couldn't they not wake us up right as the sun rises?"

"They could do that," Ermine answered, not taking her eyes away from the shelves, pulling a scroll out of a pile. "But then we would not be able to get a head start on the lessons, nor get the chance meet with the other Winglets."

That last part, about meeting other Winglets, did not seem to excite Ermine. But she did seem to look forward to the lesson. Peacemaker, on the other talon, still felt nervous about the first official day of classes, but he also felt excited about getting to work.

Three Moons, Peacemaker wished he either felt nervous or excited...

"So what's our first class?" Tempest asked, for the first time since the others joined. She stood up to join Ermine at the shelves, as the latter appeared to be looking for a specific scroll.

"Tribal Cultures!" Answered a new voice from the sleeping cave that had previously been empty when me and the others had gone to bed last night.

The two occupants of said sleeping cave? The SandWing and the MudWing of the Winglet, Onyx and Read.

Onyx walked ahead of Read, who looked as though she had only had a few moments of sleep last night. Peacemaker was silently impressed Onyx could be well awake and for the most part, upbeat after being tasked by Tsunami to help Clay with cleaning up the Pray Center after dinner.

"Ah," Tempest says, pulling out the scroll Ermine had been looking for, as she looked over at the two new arrivals with an amused smile. "Looks like the two renegades have joined us."

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