Visiting Hope and Peacemaker

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Tempest awoke early that morning as usual. Both Tempest and Ermine smiled to one another and headed to the near-by lake to go for a swim. "Hey Clearfrost, Nightwave! Do you guys wanna go swimming with us?" Tempest asked the two hybrid dragonets with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah sure! Why not?" Nightwave told the SeaWing dragonet with a small shrug. "We'll go swimming with you and Ermine!" she cheered happily before taking a deep breath and diving into the lake like she was a SeaWing herself.

The four dragonets had been swimming for a while before deciding to go and pay a visit to Hope and Peacemaker.

"So... Tempest, are you and Peacemaker going to go on another date?" Clearfrost asked, giving Tempest a teasing smile. Said water dragon blushed and looked down at her talons.

"CLEARFROST!" she shouted, pouting at the older IceWing/NightWing hybrid and blowing her a raspberry. Clearfrost just grinned cheekily at her and laughed quietly in response.

"That wasn't very nice, Clearfrost." Ermine quietly scolded her with a small shake of her head.

Ermine sighed in fond exasperation at her best friend: She really felt bad for Tempest. nobody liked being teased. The IceWing dragonet knew that the others were just teasing, her for fun - but still... It wasn't very nice to tease other dragons with a crush

"Are we there yet?" the IceWing dragonet asked, looking up at Tempest as she spoke. The SeaWing dragonet nodded her and Ermine gave her best friend a soft smile.

"Almost, we're getting very close, Ermine." Tempest replied with a warm smile and a small twitch of her tail.

The light was fading by the time they could see anything other than waving grass. The lowering sun in the west tinted the sky a dusky orange, and the trees of the small clearing ahead of us was casting long shadows.

Hope was a bit surprised when there was a knock on the door. Peacemaker was the one who went to open it.

"Hey Mom, Tempest and Ermine are here." He informed Hope as she entered the living room. "And they've brought some friends with them."

The older NightWing smiled warmly and approached the group of dragonets standing outside her door.

"Oh, and Moon is here too! Hi, I wasn't expecting to see you here so early in the day." Hope said, giving Moon a warm smile. "So what brings you young dragonets here?" she asked them curiously. "Are you just here to visit or is there a special occasion?" the older NightWing asked, blinking curiously and smiling brightly.

"So... what do we do now?" Nightwave asked, breaking the silence that had fallen.

"I'm not sure..." Ermine remarked quietly from beside Tempest.

Ermine sighed and shook out her wings. "You and Peace should go hang out," the IceWing told her friend in a playful manner, making Tempest blush and lower her head in an attempt to hide her blush.

"Relax, Tempest. I was just joking around with you!" she responded with a small laugh. "But seriously... you guys should do something fun together."

Tempest sighed quietly and motioned for Hope, Moon, and Peacemaker to follow her. "We need to make a surprise party for Ermine!" Tempest whispered excitedly to them. "Tomorrow's her birthday and I wanna make it special." She explained while smiling widely at the three other dragons.

"What are you planning on doing, Tempest?" Moon asked her friend curiously as she looked at Tempest with excitement.

"Well I was thinking that we could throw her a surprise party here in the rainforest," she replied with a wide grin spreading across her face.

"So, when will the party be?" Moon asked and Tempest thought for a moment before replying.

"It will take place at sun-high. But one of us needs to keep her distracted while everything is being set up," the SeaWing dragonet pointed out. Moon offered to help with the decorations and Hope and Peacemaker would do the rest and Tempest did the honors of keeping her friend distracted.

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