Parent-Teacher Conferences

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Tempest was in a big dilemma: She had never met her parents. Neither had Ermine, I mean, they had both grown up under a mountain for moons sake. So, they both decided to go see what Nightwave was up to. "Hey. Nightwave. What are you doing? Aren't your parents coming?" Tempest asked the hybrid dragonet, who sighed softly and lowered her head and stared down at the ground. Tempest frowned, did she say something to upset her? She didn't mean to.

"It's just Clearfrost and me." She said after a short pause. Tempest put a comforting wing around her, and on the other side, she saw Ermine doing the same.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." The SeaWing dragonet said, looking up at Nightwave with an apologetic look.

"Hey, isn't that Hope and Peacemaker?" Nightwave turned her head to see that indeed it was Hope and Peacemaker. The young NightWing/IceWing hybrid lowered her head as Peacemaker looked in her direction.

"Hi, Nightwave! Guess what? I'm finally old enough to join the Jade Mountain Academy," Peacemaker said, smiling brightly up at his mother and then back at Nightwave. She blushed and lowered her head again.

Some of the members in the Jade Winglet just up and left for no apparent reason - so a few new dragonets were needed. A NightWing, IceWing, and a SeaWing. The NightWing was Peacemaker, the IceWing is actually a hybrid dragonet. A SkyWing/IceWing hybrid named Frostfire. The SeaWing is actually a hybrid dragonet. A SeaWing/NightWing hybrid named Moonpool. Dreamseaker had been switched to the Silver Winglet. The NightWing, Midnight, had just up and left as well.

"So you two don't have parents either?" Peacemaker asked and Nightwave tilted her head in confusion and she glanced over at Tempest and Ermine.

"We don't know who our parents are. We were raised under a cave for most of our lives." Ermine spoke up quietly from the side. She kept fiddling with her necklace nervously as she spoke.

Ermine kept looking around nervously. It was awkward just standing around. But she stayed close to Tempest and Nightwave. "Hey, Ermine? Do you want a strawberry?" Ermine slowly blinked. She looked to see that Peacemaker was holding a strawberry in front of her and she slowly grabbed it. She was surprised to find that it was both sweet and sower.

"Thank you." Ermine said, giving the NightWing/RainWing hybrid a shy smile.

"You're pretty quiat for an IceWing." Peacemaker observed and Ermine lowered her head. That's what she heard from a lot of other dragonets. She sighed softly to herself and slowly raised her head to meet his gaze.

By late afternoon the conferences were ending, and many of the dragonets were saying goodbye to their parents. Nightwave sighed sadly. She missed her parents. She remembered that her mother was a NightWing named Foeslayer and her father was an IceWing named Arctic. That's all Nightwave remembers, but she also remembered that her father had given her the nickname Princess and her sister Starlight. Nightwave smiled at the memory. Their parents were captured by some SeaWings, why SeaWings you may ask? Nightwave has absalutly no idea.

"Hey, Nightwave! What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Nightwave turned in surprise to see Tempest and Ermine standing right behind her. She blinked slowly before giving them both a small shrug. "Well come on. Let's go back inside." Tempest said and Nightwave laughed quietly and followed her two best friends back inside.

Peacemaker couldn't sleep. He stared up at the ceiling of his sleeping cave, pondering on what he should do. "Ugh! I wish I wasn't part NightWing! At least I'd be able to sleep!" he whispered to no one in particular.

"Hey, Peacemaker? You awake?" Peacemaker slowly lifted his head to see Tempest's aqua green eyes staring at him. He nodded and slowly climbed off of his sleeping platform.

"Yeah, what is it, Tempest?" he asked, careful to keep his voice low so that he wouldn't wake a still quietly sleeping Ermine.

The SeaWing dragonet sighed softly and made her way out of their sleeping cave. Peacemaker followed her, wondering what she was wanting to do so late at night.

"Let's go flying," Tempest exclaimed once the two of them had made it outside into the chilly night air. Peacemaker just blinked rapidly in response.

"Yeah. Let's go flying!" he said and they flapped their wings and lifted off into the starlit covered sky.

"Wow. It's so beautiful at night. Have you ever gone flying when it's dark out?" Tempest asked and Peacemaker just grinned and smiled up at her.

"Yup, you bet. After all, I'm part NightWing." He then laughed and the two of them flew on, laughing and playing games like hide and seek, tag, and many other fun games.

"You swim as fast and as skilled as a SeaWing. Are you sure that you're not also part SeaWing?" Tempest asked Peacemaker, her eyes shining with both awe and wonder. The young hybrid just laughed and shook his head.

"Not that I know of. I don't think a dragon can be from three tribes." He frowned slightly before an idea hit her. "Let's stay out here for a little while longer. It's fun being out at night." Peacemaker said, flying around Tempest, who just laughed.

"Yeah, I like that idea. C'mon! Let's keep swimming!" Tempest exclaimed. Peacemaker smiled and took a deep breath and dived into the water.

Once Peacemaker and Tempest had come back from their nightly flight, they had fallen asleep shortly before dawn. They were awoken aa few hours or so later by the sound of the gong ringing.

Peacemaker groaned and slapped his talons over his ears. "Why does it have to ring so early in the morning?" he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. He sat up and slowly walked with Tempest and Ermine to the prey center for breakfast.

"Are you two alright? You both look exhausted." Both Peacemaker and Tempest turned to see Tsunami and Sunny looking at them with concerned eyes.

Peacemaker slowly nodded and replied in a quiet voice, "We both had trouble sleeping so we went to get some fresh air. But we lost track of time, and when we finally did get to sleep, it was almost dawn." Peacemaker replied to the older SeaWing's question.

Tsunami frowned and turned her attention to the three of them. "Peacemaker, Tempest, Ermine. Follow me. Don't worry: You're not in trouble, I just want to talk with you three." Tsunami said, giving the three dragonets all a reassuring smile as she guided them to her office.

On the way to Tsunami's office, Peacemaker turned to Tempest and whispered something in her ear. "Really? We should plan a party for your sister!" Tempest said in a low whisper. Peacemaker smiled and the two of them started thinking of party plans.

"Now, Ermine," the young IceWing dragonet looked up upon hearing her name. Once Tsunami had the IceWing's attention, she continued speaking. "I heard from Starflight and Sunny that you got attacked by some of the other IceWing students. My question is, why didn't you try and defend yourself?" Tsunami asked and Ermine lowered her head in shame. Peacemaker frowned worriedly and gave a shocked look to Tempest, who looked just as shocked as he did.

"Because, because... I was too afraid," Ermine stuttered, looking up at Tsunami with sad and fearful ice blue eyes.

"Peacemaker, Tempest, could you two please go back to your cave while I help Ermine." Tsunami told the other two dragonets, who both nodded.

Peacemaker looked over at Ermine with worried eyes. After that, he and Tempest made otheir way back to the Quartz Winglet's cave.

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