A Date and the Truth

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Tempest paced around in circles in the forested clearing that she and Ermine had decided to stay in for the night. She was feeling really nervous, and after talking with Peacemaker for a few hours, he had asked her to go on a date with him. Tempest has only known him for about a day or so, but she had fallen in love with him during that short time.

"Uh, hey, Tempest? What's wrong? Why are you so nervous?" she turned around to see Ermine, who was staring at Tempest curiously. The young SeaWing dragonet lowered her head and replied after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Well , you see... I'm nervous because I'm going on a date with Peacemaker." Tempest told her best friend while looking down at her talons.

"Wait, what? A date? You're going on a date right now?" the IceWing fired off questions at Tempest, all of them at once in rapid succession.

"Yes, Ermine. A date, and yes, I'm going tonight. We've already asked his mother, Hope, and she's fine with it." Tempest chuckled in amusement, grinning happily to herself and staring off into space.

Ermine may be really really really shy, but she's also really smart and a little bit over protective of me. Tempest quietly mused to herself as she watched her friend fuss over her like a mother would do for her child.

"Okay okay! But please be careful, Tempest. And you'd better tell me all about it when you get back, promise?" Ermine stared straight into her friend's aqua-colored eyes as she spoke.

Tempest nodded her head and replied back with a wide grin plastered on her face. "I promise, Ermine. After all, I never keep anything from you cause you're my best friend." She said teasingly, causing Ermine to pout. "Well anyway, it's about time for me to get going. I'll see you later Ermine!" Tempest called over her shoulder as she ran to the place that she and Peacemaker would be meeting up at for their date.

Tempest pushes her wings off the ground as hard as she can to get them moving, and soar through the open sky. The sun had set, emitting a dim golden glow across the flooded plains. The crescent moon glinted on the other side of the horizon.

Once Tempest had finally arrived to where she and Peacemaker had decided to meet up, the SeaWing dragonet smiled brightly when she saw that he was already there and waiting for her.

"Wow Peace! How on earth did you lean to glide from trees like this? It's sooo FUN!" she cried out in excitement as the two dragonets continued gliding from trees for a little while longer. we had been Tree-gliding for a few hours. "So... What are we going to do after this?" I asked, as I looked up at Peacemaker with a warm smile, we had taken a break to catch our breath, we were now sitting in a really really tall tree, and luck for us... The sun was just beginning to set.

"Three moons! The sunset is so gorgeous!" Tempest exclaimed cheerfully as she watched the sky go from blue to orange. She sighed happily and rested her head on Peacemaker's shoulder.

"Psst, hey, Tempest. Tempest, C'mon Tempest, wake up. It's getting pretty late and we should probably start heading back now." Tempest slowly opened her eyes to see that it was already dark. With a surprised yelp, she quickly scrambled away from Peacemaker, her eyes going wide and her face heating up in both horror and embarrassment at what she had done.

"Oh my goodness! I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mea to fall asleep! I'm sorry-" but Peacemaker cut her off and pulled Tempest into a comforting embrace.

"I really had fun with you tonight. And I want to spend more time with you Peacemaker. I-I love you!" Tempest blurted out before gasping and quietly mumbling the last part, hoping that Peacemake hadn't heard the last part. But, apparently, Peacemaker had heard what she said and was now staring at her with wide eyes.

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