The Jade Mountain Academy

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"Hey, Ermine, can you believe it? Today's the big day!" The SeaWing dragonet exclaimed cheerfully as she flew in circles around her friend. Ermine just looked down at her talons nervously in response. "Hey, Ermine, relax. you'll do great! I know you will, now c'mon, let's go join the group of dragonets."

I wonder how long it will take to get there? Tempest silently wondered to herself as she and Ermine flew to the academy with the other dragons. Would I be in a winglet with Peacemaker and Ermine? I really hope so. I don't what Ermine would do without me, and I don't want her to have another panic attack. Tempest just let her thoughts wonder as kept on flying.

Once Tempest, Ermine, and Peacemaker had entered the large cave, a NightWing handed the dragonets each a scroll tied with a black band. "Hi, and welcome to Jade Mountain. My name's Fatespeaker, it's nice to meet you."

"My name's Ermine, and this is my best friend, Tempest, it's ia pleasure to meet you, Fatespeaker." Ermine replied with soft smile.

Ermine then walked with Tempest to the other side of the cave so they could read the scroll.




With that opening sentence, Tempest could not help but feel welcomed. After reading through the introductory paragraphs that told the reader what they would be learning at the academy, Tempest's eyes fell upon the desired contents of the scroll...

The Winglet placements.

Before reading, Twmpest took a deep breath...

Here we go, time to find out who my clawmates will be for the next four years.

Jade Winglet

IceWing: Sapphire

MudWing: Copper

NightWing: Nightwatcher

RainWing: Lemur

SandWing: Delta

SeaWing: Luminescence

SkyWing: Inferno

Hmm... maybe she or Ermine would be in the Gold Winglet? Tempest wondered to herself as she looked over at Ermine.

Gold Winglet

IceWing: Avalanche

MudWing: Hazelnut

NightWing: Eclipse

RainWing: Ainsley

SandWing: Rattlesnake

SeaWing: Shellfish

SkyWing: Griffen

Hmm... well, those dragonets sure do seem like the interest group. a nice group of dragonets. Ermine quietly mused to herself as she and Tempest then read into the Silver placements.

Silver Winglet

IceWing: Pelican

MudWing: Falcon

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