A A Surprising Revelation

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Ermine stared shellshocked at what Tsunami had just told her. She stared at Tempest with wide eyes. "Wait, what? Are you serious? How do you know?" she stuttered out in a mix of shock and confusion.

Tsunami nodded her head and Ermine asked the older dragon another question.

"Is Tempest royalty as well?" Ermine asked and Tsunami turned to to be face to face with the younger SeaWing.

"Yes, yes she is, in fact." She replied after looking under Tempest's wings for the star-spiraled patterns under her wings.

"So who's my mother?" the IceWing dragonet asked, looking up at the older SeaWing as she spoke.

"Your mother is Queen Glacier." Tsunami said and Ermine nodded her head in understanding. She still couldn't wrap her head around the idea that she was a princess.

"How did you find out that I was a princess? i didn't even know." Ermine asked, looking at Tsunami with curious icy blue eyes.

"Your mother had come during conference day to visit her other daughter, Winter. She's a NightWing/IceWing hybrid, just like your friend Nightwave and her sister, Clearfrost. But their parents were captured by some revenge-seeking SeaWings and they were killed in the end." Tsunami said, her expression turning from happy and exceeded to pained and sad.

Ermine gasped in shock and turned to face Tempest, who looked just as horrified as she felt

"Three moons! That's horrible! Nightwave never told us about her parents. She only told us that it was just her and Clearfrost. But that's all." Ermine spoke up quiatly. Tsunami nodded and after that, the two dragonets left Tsunami's office and headed back to the Quartz Winglet's study cave.

"What should we do?" Ermine asked quietly as she looked at Tempest with worried and concerned icy blue eyes.

Tempest frowned sadly and Ermine sighed quietly in response.

The others looked up in surprise once Tempest and Ermine entered the common cave. Auburn was the first to regain her voice. "Where were you two all morning?" the SkyWing dragonet asked, blinking and tilting her head to the side curiously.

Tempest was the one to answer. "We just found out something interesting about, Ermine." The SeaWing told her with a wide smile splitting across her face.

"Well what did you find out? Tell us! Tell us!" the SandWing dragonet exclaimed, grinning widely at both Tempest and Ermine.

The SeaWing dragonet turned to face Ermine, who just shrugged and walked to the other end of the cave to go back to reading her scroll. Tempest just sighed quietly and shook her head in amusement at her IceWing friend.

With a sigh, Tempest took a seat beside Ermine. She could feel the stares boring into her back from the other member of the Winglet, but she just focused on her school work for the week. She would answer their many questions later but for now, Tempest just studded with Ermine.

Tempest and Ermine slowly entered the Copper Winglet's common cave. The young water dragon was nervous. Would she be mad? Would she be upset? Those thoughts kept racing through Tempest's mind as the two dragonets slowly and cautiously went up to Nightwave.

Tempest looked at Nightwave with worry. She never knew that her parents had been kidnapped by SeaWings. Tempest felt guilty: She was a SeaWing. But she made friends with her nevertheless, not having a problems with it whatsoever. The young water dragon wanted to ask her about it, but she didn't want to upset her friend. She looked over at Ermine, who had the same thoughts as Tempest. Her face said it all, that's how she always knew what Ermine was thinking.

"Um, hey, Tempest? Should we ask her?" the young IceWing dragonet asked her friend nervously.

Tempest frowned slightly and thought for a moment before she answered. "I'm not sure, Ermine. I'm not sure." She said before turning to look over at Nightwave, who was quietly chatting with Auburn.

"Yeah, my parents were takin by SeaWings who had a grudge against my parents. But I have no idea why." Nightwave said, trying to think of any reason of why some random group of SeaWings would want to get revenge on her and Clearfrost's parents.

"I was really young when it happened. I do remember that I had just learned how to fly, and my father was flying beside me while my mother watched from bellow." Nightwave replied with a thoughtful look forming on her face. After a few moments of silence, Tempest spoke up nervously, witch was so unlike the normally cheerful and happy SeaWing that Nightwave had come to know and trust with her life.

"Uh... well... I was just wondering: What made you become friends with me? I mean... I'm a dragonet from the same tribe that kidnapped your parents." Nightwave stared in compete shock and a bit of confusion at what her SeaWing friend had just said.

"Oh, Tempest, I don't hate SeaWings. I've learned to be more careful and cautious around adult dragons." Nightwave responded while giving her friend a comforting hug.

"What were yyour parents names?" Ermine chimed in, nervously. "My father was a IceWing named Arctic and my mother was a NightWing named Foeslayer." The young hybrid replied after a moment.

Tempest then asked her another question, hesitating a bit before she finally spoke.

"What happened after your parents were captured? Where did you and your sister go?" the SeaWing dragonet asked Nightwave with an uncomfortable look crossing her face as she spoke.

Nightwave sighed softly and lowered her head at that question. "We got captured as well." She told them truthfully. "We were locked in a cage of some-sort for about two years. And that's how I got these." The NightWing/IceWing hybrid lifted her wings and her two friends gasped in horror at what they saw.

There were scars lining the undersides of the young hybrid's wings.

"Okay, I think that's enough questions for today." Ermine stuttered out in a terrified tome of voice. Tempest and Nightwave both nodded their heads in agreement at that and then she and Tempest went back to the Quartz Winglet's common cave.

Tempest was not expecting Nightwave to tell both her and Ermine the whole entire story... that was... was... a lot more gruesome then the young water dragon had been expecting. After a few seconds, she turned back to face Ermine with wide aqua green eyes. "I was not expecting that... not in a million years!" she replied, still shaken up by the whole experience.

She took a few more deep breaths to calm her racing heart... now I know what the right time for asking questions is. And sometimes it's just not the right time or place to ask such personal questions like the one she and Ermine had had asked Nightwave.

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