Tempest's Birthday

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Ermine was grinning widely from ear to ear. She then turned to face Peacemaker, Hope, and Moonwatcher. "Are you guys ready? You all understand the plan?" she asked the three older dragons while giving them all a wide smile. The others all nodded in agreement.

"Peacemaker, you'll be the one to distract her until I get everything ready. I'm gonna go and speak with Queen Glory." Ermine said and with a knowing smiling passing between them, the four dragons all flew off in different detections.

The planing for Tempest's surprise party was now in motion.

Peacemaker pushed his wings off the ground as hard as he could to get them moving, and soar through the open sky. The sun had set, emitting a dim golden glow across the flooded plains. The crescent moon glinted on the other side of the horizon.

The young RainWing/NightWing hybrid dragonet was really hoping that he could keep Tempest distracted long enough for Ermine to get everything else ready in time for the party.

"Uh, hey, Tempest? Do you want to go look for some fruit with me?" Peacemaker asked her, earning a bright smile in response to his question.

Tempest nodded her head eagerly in response. "I would love to go pick some from fruit with you!" she grinned up at him with a happy gleem in her eyes.

Peacemaker smiled and together, the two dragonets smiled lovingly at each other and headed deeper into the forest. He grinned widely to himself and once the two of them had arrived to the spot Ermine had told him to bring Tempest to, he turned to face his girlfriend and told her to open her eyes.

The look on his girlfriend's face almost made Peacemaker laugh. But instead of saying anything, he just smiled warmly at Tempest, who grinned brightly up at him.

"Three moons! You guys did all of this just for me?" she asked before turning to look at the fidgeting IceWing dragonet across from her. "You guys sure went all out, didn't you?" Tempest asked her friend with an amused smile forming on her face.

Moonwatcher grinned happily at Ermine, Peacemaker, and Tempest. The party had been a huge success. "Hey, Ermine? How did you mange to make a fruitcake?" Tempest whispered quietly.

The IceWing just smiled and gave her best friend a knowing look.

"A RainWing dragonet named Mango taught me how. Did you like it, Tempest?" Ermine asked while blinking rapidly and giving her friend a small smile.

The SeaWing dragonet just nodded her head eagerly and Moon smiled warmly at the two dragons that had become two of Peacemaker's closest friend. One of them being his girlfriend.

The older NightWing was awoken early that the very next morning by the sun shining into her face. She groaned in frustration and sighed quietly to herself, muttering something under her breath before she tried and failed to go back to sleep but to no avail. With an annoyed sigh, Moon stretched out along the ground, opining her jaws wide in a wide yawn.

"Well... you know what they say, the early bird gets the worm." She muttered tiredly to herself with another wide yawn and a lazy flick of her tail.

Usually, Moon was always up before the sun had even risen in the sky - but she had stayed up late talking to Tempest and Ermine about anything they could think of. She yawned again and rubbed her talons over her eyes.

Ermine smiled to herself as the early-morning air chilled her scales. Of course, being an IceWing, she not phased by the cold. She was now currently flying around and doing tricks in mid-air with Tempest and Nightwave.

"Oh my StarClan! This is so amazing!" she cheered quietly to myself before she turned around to face Tempest with a wide grin forming on her face.

"Doesn't it feel amazing to feel the wind on your scales?" Tempest exclaimed with a laugh of excitement bubbling up in her throat as she nodded her head eagerly in response.

"Hay, I have an idea - let's go swimming in the lake after this!" Tempest exclaimed happily with a wide grin splitting across her face.

Ermine nodded in return with a wide grin of her own splitting across her face. "That sounds like a lot of fun!" she agreed with a nod of her head and a small flick of her tail.

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