Ermine's Advice and Plans

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Tempest sighed and looked up from the scroll that she had been reading, after a few minutes of staring at her talons, she got up and patted quietly over to Ermine.

Ermine looked up from her scroll as Tempest approached her. After a few moments of silence, Ermine quietly spoke up, "What's wrong, Tempest?" She asked, frowning in concern as she looked at her friend with worried pale blue eyes.

Tempest sighed and took a few moments to get her thoughts in order. After a few more moments of silence, she finally spoke up, "Well, it's probably really stupid but... I uhh... I like Nightwave," Tempest mumbled, looking down at her talons in embarrassment. Ermine was silent for some time before she finally spoke, "Umm... You do realize that she already has a boyfriend right? Or did you forget?" Ermine pointed out with a small frown. Tempest slowly nodded and smiled sheepishly. "What about Hurricane? She seams nice," Ermine suggested, and Tempest laughed quietly causing Ermine to pout slightly.

"Umm... Ermine? You do realize that Hurricane's a boy not a girl don't you?" She asked, and Ermine's face went read in embarrassment as she lowered her head and stared at the stone floor. "Yeah... I didn't realize that," Ermine replied quietly after a few moments of silence. Tempest just laughed and sighed quietly at Ermine. "But... I have to admit, he is kind of cute... But he's not really that nice, remember what I told you about a few years ago?" The SeaWing asked, and Ermine's eyes went wide in realization. "Ohh... That... Yeah. Never mind... Forget about the snail brain of a SeaWing!" Ermine hissed angrily, a bit of venom lacing her tone.

"What about Evergreen?" Tempest asked, and Ermine put her talons on her chin in thought. Then after a short while, she finally spoke up, "Yeah! He seams nice, at least we know he's not a backstabbing lier!" Ermine replied, her blue eyes narrowing at the thought of Hurricane. Tempest just sighed and shook out her wings.

"Isn't Evergreen in Clearfrost's Winglet?" Ermine asked, after a few moments of silence, Tempest nodded and Ermine smiled brightly. "Then let's go and find Evergreen! Then you can tell him!" Tempest laughed quietly and let herself be dragged or more specifically be guided by a very eager IceWing dragonet.

It took a while but they eventually found Evergreen, the Emerald-green RainWing was chatting with a NightWing and a SkyWing, witched Tempest assumed were his Clawmates.

Ermine walked up to the RainWing to get his attention, she whispered something in his ear and he patted over to the SeaWing with Ermine close behind.

"Umm... Hi, You must be Evergreen, right?" She asked, and the RainWing nodded his head in confirmation. "Yeah I'm Evergreen, is there something you need?" He asked with a confused expression and a tilt of his head.

Tempest took a deep breath to calm her racing heart and after she gathered her courage, Tempest spoke up quietly as she looked at Evergreen. "M-my name's Tempest. And I-I... I was wondering... I-I u-umm... Do you want to go out with me?" Tempest looked down at her talons nervously, as she awaited his answer.

It felt like hours but was only a few minutes before Evergreen finally spoke, "Y-yes, I would love to! Umm... How does tonight sound?" Evergreen asked, Tempest nodded with a shy smile and her scales flashed in aquatic and Ermine smiled softly and gently nudged Tempest's wing with her own.

And with that, the two dragonets waved goodby and Tempest followed Ermine back to the Quartz Winglet's Common Cave. When they entered, the other members of the Winglet all looked up at them with curiosity shining in all of their eyes. "Where were you two?" Onyx asked, as she walked up to Tempest and Ermine. The SeaWing turned to Ermine, who just shrugged and walked to the other end of the cave to go back to reading her scroll.

With a sigh, Tempest took a seat beside Ermine, she could feel the stares boring into her back from the other members of the Winglet, but Tempest just focused on her school work for the week. She would answer there many questions later but for now, she just studded with Ermine.

Ermine awoke slowly to the sun shining into her eyes. She groaned and after a few more minutes of trying and failing to get back to sleep, Ermine eventually decided to just get up. She sighed and shook her wings, grabbing her bag of across, she slung the bag of her shoulder as she excided the sleeping cave that she and Tempest had chosen.

Ermine walked out into the common cave to see that Tempest was already awake. She smiled, and bounded over to the SeaWing. "Good morning, Tempest." Ermine spoke up happily. The SeaWing gave the IceWing dragonet a bright smile in greeting. "Hay, I have a random idea. Let's go swimming in the underground river." Ermine said happily. And the two dragonets headed to the river to swim and make small talk while they waited for their classes to start.

As the two dragonets were swimming, Ermine was quietly making small talk with Tempest. "I still have no idea what we're going to do for our project." Ermine said, frowning down at her reflection in the water. "Don't stress about it so much. We still have a lot of time to think about it." The SeaWing said reassuringly, Ermine smiled warmly at her oldest friend and they kept on swimming.

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