Research & Stage Fright

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Tempest sighed in complete boredom. (I want class to be over already!) She thought glumly to herself as she rested her head on the top of her desk.

"Quartz Winglet, have you decided on a topic for your history project yet?" Both Peacemaker and Tempest looked up at Webs question.

"Yes, yes we have decided to do a project about the war between the DawnWings and the ShadeWings." Ermine spoke up quietly, but clearly.

"Wow, that's an interesting topic. Those two tribes hasn't been heard of for ages. I can't wait to see what you dragonets come up with." Webs said, sounding intrigued. Peacemaker and Tempest grinned in both satisfaction and excitement.

"Hey Tempest? Shouldn't we start working on our history project now?" the young SeaWing dragonet blinked and nodded her head while Peacemaker and Tempest, along with Cynder, Ermine, Reed, and Onyx all made their way to the study cave.

Ermine let out a sigh and looked up at Tempest with concerned icy blue eyes. "What's wrong, Ermine?" she asked, blinking slowly and looking up at Ermine with a concerned look crossing her face.

"Um... what exactly are the DawnWings and ShadeWings? And are they dangerous?" the IceWing dragonet asked while fidgeting with her necklace nervously.

Tempest frowned and replied in a a motherly tone. "I don't think so, Ermine. I've never met them before." The SeaWing replied with a small laugh.

The young IceWing slowly relaxed and returned to writing notes for her upcoming math quiz later that week.

Ermine awoke early that morning with a sharp gasp. She sat up sharply, her breathes coming out in rapid pants and she curled up into a tight ball. She sat up again when she felt a pair of warm talons gently shake her shoulder and she looked up to see Tempest. Ermine blinked, and shortly after, she saw Peacemaker, Cynder, Reed, and Onyx follow close behind her.

"Ermine? Are you alright?" Cynder asked, looking at the IceWing dragonet with concerned golden eyes.

Ermine slowly nodded and replied in a soft tone of voice. "i just had a bad dream, that's all." She said, lowering her head and staring down at her talons.

Tempest frowned and put a comforting wing around her friend's shoulders. Ermine sighed and welcomed the embrace of both Peacemaker and Tempest.

"I-I-I c-can't d-do t-this!" Peacemaker squeaked, shuttering and looking up at Tempest with nervous pale blue eyes. Tempest gave her boyfriend a reassuring smile.

"You're starting to sound like Ermine!" she replied with a teasing smile. "Don't worry so much, Peacemaker. You'll do fine, I promise. I believe in you! And besides," she continued speaking after a short pause. "We'll be up there with Auburn and Ermine."

Tempest said, smiling up at Peacemaker gently. The young NightWing/RainWing hybrid gave a shaky sigh and tried to stop his wings from shaking.

"I-I'm not sure that I'll be able to do this," Peacemaker said again, his voice shaking slightly. He was never good at speaking in front of other dragons.

Tempest gave him a worried look and Peacemaker tried to give her a reassuring smile, but his nerves still had the best of him. He lowered his head and tried once again to calm himself down.

"You have stage fright?" Auburn asked him in concern and Peacemaker lowered his head even more. The SkyWing's observation was spot on.

"Next up - is the Quartz Winglet." Webs announced and Peacemaker froze. But Tempest guided him to the front of the class with both Auburn and Ermine following close behind.

"Our project is about the war between the DawnWings and ShadeWings..." Tempest began slowly. Peacemaker sighed and gave his friends and girlfriend a soft but gilty smile.

"We discovered an interesting fact. A scavenger and four young dragonets were able to chase off a group of DawnWings and DuskWings after two hours of fighting. And what was even more strange, was the fact that the scavenger girl had strange powers." Tempest explained the backstory, and by this point - everyone in the classroom were now listening intently.

After a few moments of silence, Auburn spoke up next. "That's all we know of so far. But we do know that one of the dragonets was a ShadeWing named Eclipse." The SkyWing dragonet announced, smirking and glance around the room as she spoke.

"A-and t-that's a-all w-we k-know a-about t-them," Peacemaker stuttered out, looking down at his talons nervously as he spoke. And with that, the class just sat in stunned silence mixed with both amazement and excitement. Peacemaker blushed and lowered his head in embarrassment. At least it's over now: I'm so glad for that. He thought silently to himself while sighing in relief.

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