New Friends and Flaming Snow

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Nightwave sighed in complete and absolute boredom. She had nothing to do! She had once again finished all of her homework for the week. She sighed yet again and walked over to see what Tempest and Ermine were up to.

Tempest seemed to be the first to notice me standing there, because she quickly looked up from her scroll with a bright smile on her face.

"Hi, Nightwave," she said happily. Tempest then turned to Ermine. In order to pull her out of the scroll, Tempest gently nudged Ermine's wing with her own, causing Ermine to look at Tempest with a raised eyebrow, but then she caught sight of Nightwave standing there, and she too gave her a bright smile in greeting.

"Hi, Tempest. Hi, Ermine. What are you guys doing?" the young hybrid asked them both while sitting next to her friends.

Ermine was the one to speak. "Nothing much, what are you doing, Nightwave?" the IceWing dragonet asked her with a soft smile forming on her face.

Nightwave smiled right back at her and replied after a moment ior two of silence.

"Nothing much, I finished all of my homework for the week so I have nothing to do." She said while giving a small pout.

Tempest laughed a little bit and spoke up suddenly. "Hey, Ermine, Nightwave, let's go meet the IceWing/SkyWing hybrid dragonet." The SeaWing exclaimed excitedly.

Nightwave laughed and together, the three friends headed to meet the new hybrid dragonet.

"So, you don't have parents either?" the hybrid asked while looking at the three of them in surprise. Nightwave slowly nodded her head in response.

"Yeah, my name's Nightwave. And these are my friends Tempest and Ermine. It's very nice to meet you," she squeaked out as she introduced both herself and her friends to the new dragonet.

Nightwave was never good when it came to meeting new dragons but she smiled slightly and looked at Tempest and Ermine, who were both smelling.

The young NightWing/IceWing hybrid dragonet took a deep breath and gave Frostfire a shy smile. "Well, now what? Classes are starting soon so we should probably get going. It was very nice to meet you, Frostfire." She said happily and with that, she and her friends left the Jade Winglet's common cave.

Ermine sighed softly to herself and looked over at Tempest and Nightwave with a soft smile. "Can you believe that it's Christmas already?" she asked while looking at her two best friends with excitement shing in her eyes.

It was then that a familiar dragonet slowly entered the common cave.

""Hi, Frostfire. It's so nice to see you again!" the IceWing dragonet called out happily while giving Frostfire a small smile before waving the hybrid dragonet over eith a wing.

The white-and-crimson scaled dragonet then spoke up in a quiet voice. "It snowed! I can't believe it. C'mon, let's go play in the snow!" Frostfire exclaimed excitedly. Ermine laughed and together, they all made their way outside and into the crisp morning air.

"Well, time to show you two how to make a snow dragon!" Auburn said, playfully batting a wing against Ermine's

"Oh please, Auburn: You haven't seen mine," Tempest replied with a playful roll of her eyes. "I've had lots of practice."

"Is that a challenge, Tempest?" Auburn quirked her brow up amusingly at her response.

From the corner of her eye, Ermine saw Tempest give a smirk directed at Auburn. "You'll see soon enough."

"Challenge accepted!"

Frostfire let out an excited scream. She absolutely loved the snow. I mean, comeon! She's part IceWing after all - and the most surprising thing was that even Tempest was enjoying herself in the snow. Usually, SeaWings don't like cold and icy temperatures.

"Three moons! This is sooooo much fun! I LOVE THE SNOW!" she cheered happily with a wife flap of her white-and-crimson wings. The others all laughed at the young hybrid's enthusiasm.

"This is so fun! I've never played in snow before," Nightwave said as she looked down at the cold icey powder in a mix of wonder and curiosity. Frostfire jaw dropped and she snapped her head to look back at her friend in surprise. "Wait, really? Are you serious? You're part IceWing and you've never seen snow before in your life?" the young SkyWing/IceWing hybrid dragonet asked her while gaping in shock at the NightWing/IceWing hybrid.

Tempest was not a normal SeaWing: She knows that now. But why, you may ask? It's a simple answer really. It's because she LOVES SNOW! The SeaWing dragonet ran around happily, grinning widely to herself and chasing Ermine, Nightwave, Frostfire, and Auburn around in the snow.

Tempest grinned mistiefviously to herself and playfully threw a snowball at the unsuspecting SkyWing/IceWing hybrid. "This is amazing! I love the snow! Hey, I have an idea! Let's have a snowball fight!" she cheered and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

The snowball fight went down in history for its creativeness and quick but vicious aim. It was the best snowball fight ever.

Peacemaker was cold - but he had a lot of fun with his friends. "What do we do now?" he asked his friends as he tilted his head to the side in thought.

After a few moments of silence, it was Tempest who answered his question.

"We should decorate the common cave," the young SeaWing dragonet said to the others with a wide smile forming on her face.

Peacemaker grinned and together, the seven members of the Quartz Winglet all began decorating the Quartz Winglet's common cave.

"Christmas is such a beautiful time of year, don't you guys think so too?" Peacemaker asked them as he turned to look around at his friends and clawmates as he spoke. This was the BEST. DAY. EVER! Those were Peacemaker's last thoughts before sleep claimed him. Tomorrow would be a normal day pf classes, but honiley, Peacemaker didn't mind.

But there was an upside to going back to a normal school day tomorrow, there are going to be 2 new Winglets joining the Jade Mountain Academy tomorrow. If his memory serves Peacemaker right, he thinks Tsunami and the other teachers said that the 2 new Winglets were the Sapphire and Ruby Winglets. The thought of meeting some more of Tempest and Ermine's friends made Peacemaker's heart soar with happiness and excitement.

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