Me or your beloved wine?

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As usual, Dazai was currently whining as loudly as possible To get a certain someone's attention as they sat in a park bench. Chuuya, of course, payed no mind to it.  After all, he was immune to Dazai's whining and pestering after years of working with him. Instead he put all his attention on his precious wine.

As chuuya was adoring his wine bottle, Dazai started getting annoyed.

I mean, how could he give such a big devotion to a juice?

So as chuuya kept paying attention to the wine, dazai nudged him. "what." Chuuya replied, a bit annoyed at how dazai kept bothering him. " chuuya, answer this. Dazai said as he kept nudging chuuya. Chuuya turned around, smacking dazai in the process. 



"so rude!"

" anyway. " dazai continued. " Me or your beloved wine chuuya?". 

"the wine duh."

Dazai was surely expecting Chuuya to pick him, so of course he was shocked when chuuya picked the wine.

" Wine over your partner of 3 years!?" . 

How dare he.

Chuuya just chuckled, but didn't take back what he said.

Then, Dazai had a plan. He would take that stupid juice and throw it in the garage . That way , Chuuya will learn to never ignore him again.

The next day*

Dazai's plan started , for sure everything would turn out fine .


Nope, what Dazai didn't know was that todays mission for Chuuya was horrible. He and Akutagawa, and his subordinates were supposed to go to a lab to get some type of illegal drug the members were selling.

Half of the subordinates that came along were seriously injured, then about 30 died. Akutagawa was among the ones that were injured. This stressed chuuya alot. Blaming himself for not getting to were his subordinates were fighting to give them a hand.

All he wanted to do was cuddle and drink some wine.

He was in a terrible mood.

Dazai was just reading a book when he heard the front door slam. He looked at the door to see chuuya there, he looked tired and stressed.

Maybe he should cancel the plan?


" Welcome home chuuya!" Dazai chirped setting his book down." Dazai, bring me my wine please. I had the worst day today and I need to get going later.


" um chuuya. " dazai said nervously looking away. " I kinda  gave your wine away to a pretty lady that asked for my number. I told her I was taken , so as a peace offering I gave her the wine to not feel rejected as badly."

Chuuya went silent.

He just dropped everything he was grabbing and stared at Dazai.

" YOU DID WHAT!?" He screeched. Dazai saw that he was not at all happy. " I felt bad , okay ? Its not that serious. You have more." 

Chuuya was blinking back tears.

Dazai was sure that if he started crying, he'd kill himself and go to hell himself.

Dazai quickly forgot his stupid plan and ran towards chuuya's direction. Hugging him in the process.

Chuuya broke down.

" Today was the worst! Half of my Subordinates were killed and the rest severely injured! Akutagawa was one of the injured!." Chuuya kept blaming himself .

" if only I arrived there sooner..." Maybe ... I would have saved more of them, why was I so stupid to let them go alone?"

" Chuuya......" Dazai said , holding him tight. "Its not your fault, and I lied, the wine is in the garage. I'd never give it away for real, much less to any stranger."

Chuuya smacked him . Hard.

" why on earth-forget it . I have to go . I promised to visit aku with gin."

Dazai gave him a peck on the cheek. " ill go with you, your probably tired. "

Chuuya thanked him sourly, still upset. They walked to the parking lot. As soon as they made it in the car , though, he fell asleep.

Dazai kissed him again before  starting to drive." I love you chuuya".

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