beautiful Rain

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It was a rainy day , and the agency had gone shopping for a party they were gonna throw as an anniversary for when the agency was founded. As they headed back to the building,, Dazai saw something that caught his eye. A little blob of orange was walking along the streets. Dazai had an umbrella so he told the others that he forgot something that he needed which rewarded him with a lecture and scowl from none other than Kunikida.

Dazai quickly left following the ginger blob. He was certain it was Chuuya. The man had been with him for 4 years, he knew everything about him. He could never mistake him. As he finally catched up to the figure, he was proved right. It was Chuuya, he was carrying a bouquet of flowers. He looked nervous, as the rain poured down at him, his hair was drenched and looked lit up.

He looked beautiful.

Dazai shook his head at the thought, once a slug, always a slug. Though he couldn't help but wonder about why he was carrying a bouquet in the middle of a pouring day. It was unusual and Dazai didn't like it one bit.

chuuya just continues to walk, completely oblivious to his surroundings while he's walking, he's to focused on what he's doing to even notice dazai following him, and soon, chuuya starts to walk in a direction

Dazai thinks to himself

(Huh, looks like he has somewhere he needs to go)after a moment, chuuya eventually reaches the place he's walking too, and as soon as he arrives, he goes in there, but dazai is unable to see what the place is due to it being hidden behind some buildings

" Ah, I hope she likes them!". Chuuya sighed as he entered a fancy looking house. Dazai was beyond demented. He didn't know Chuuya had gotten a girlfriend after he'd left the mafia.....

Hmmm, thats not going to work .

Dazai decides he was going to slightly spy on him from one of those ridiculously fancy windows. I wonder who owns such dopey windows. Dazai goes to one, he see's Chuuya enter. He's greeted by a girl , whom he bows to

That wasn't a good sign.

The girl looked like she was chuckling at Chuuya's formal behaviour. Something in Dazai snapped, suddenly he bent down and got the closest and hardest thing he could find...

And threw towards the Window.  barely missing the poor girls head.

Oops. He should've not done that. Both Chuuya and the girl looked surprised as that rock sailed pass her head. Dazai quickly hid , if Chuuya knew he had done that, he would most sure get pounded.

He decided to hear the conversation, afraid that if he left, something else might happen.


" HUH? what was that!? Kouyou sama will for sure be furious!". The girl shouted, hugging herself. Chuuya couldn't agree more, Kouyou would be beyond furious when she finds out her window broke. He sighs and hands the bouquet to the girl.

" Osana-san, please deliver the flowers to Ane-san, might keep her happy. I don't really know how long though, so keep her busy till that window is fixed." Osana nods, she thanks Chuuya and hurries upstairs to get something for the flowers.

Chuuya say's his partings and walks  the house. Its pouring even harder now. He was such an idiot for going outside, he could've chatted with Osana till the storm was out.

Sighing, he starts walking, his reports would not be done by themselves thats for sure.


Dazai see's Chuuya leave and starts following him. Thankfully, That was just one of Kouyous girls, probably delivering the flowers for Chuuya. Well now he kinda regreats throwing that damm rock.(Oh well, let's add some trouble to this situation, it will be fun)

Dazai  decides to scare Chuuya , he walks up behind him and pokes his shoulder.

Chuuya greets that with a punch to the stomach.


'Dazai groans in pain. " Hello to you to Slug"

Chuuya sighs. " Fuck, I didn't think it was you. What do you want bastard"

'Dazai smirks," nothing, I just like to bother you. "

Chuuya was about to bite back when he felt something on his lips.

'Dazai kissed him.

At first he didn't know what to do so he froze.
Then he started to kiss back.

They really went at it till 'Dazai broke the kiss.

He gave him a cheeky smile.

"That's what you get for punching me~"

With that he gave him another peck, and started to run as he waved at him.

"Bye chuuya!"

Leaving Chuuya dumbfounded and flushed.

" What just happened?"

Hey guys, this was kinda rushed but I gave you guys an extra update because the first one was a little short.

Hope you enjoy, feel free to leave comments too! Any requests are welcome.

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