Chuuya can't find his hat

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Chuuya stormed through his apartment, frustration evident in every step as he frantically searched for his missing hat. Every corner, every shelf, and every nook seemed to have been ransacked in his quest.

Meanwhile, Dazai lounged on the couch, his typical nonchalant demeanor intact despite the chaos around him. He stretched lazily, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed Chuuya's frenzied search. He couldn't help but muse to himself that perhaps he had hidden the hat during one of his mischievous moments.

He knew Chuuya would be livid when he finally uncovered the truth, but for now, Dazai found amusement in the situation, content to watch the spectacle unfold. After all, what was life without a little bit of chaos?

He watched his partner run around the apartment, meticulously inspecting closets, floors, rooms, and even the kitchen cupboards in his relentless search.

"GAH! I can't find it!" Chuuya's voice echoed through the apartment, a potent mix of frustration and exasperation lacing every word.

Dazai remained silent throughout, his composed façade barely concealing the amusement bubbling within him. Yet, his biggest mistake, a slip in his usually impeccable composure, was succumbing to a fit of laughter.

He couldn't help it—Dazai's composed demeanor crumbled, and he erupted into a fit of giggles. However, his amusement abruptly halted when Chuuya shot him a withering glare that could freeze lava.

"Oh, you find this amusing, Dazai?" Chuuya's voice dripped with incredulity, his tone laced with a hint of indignation. "You think my predicament is a source of entertainment for you?"

Dazai's smirk widened into a mischievous grin as he retorted, "Seeing a tiny slug like you run around is incredibly amusing~"

Chuuya's eyes flashed with a mixture of irritation and determination as he stomped towards Dazai. "Oh? So you think this is amusing? Well, I'll show you amusing."

With swift and decisive action, Chuuya seized Dazai by the arm, his grip firm and unyielding. Ignoring any protests or attempts at resistance, he dragged Dazai along like a rag doll, their journey culminating in their bedroom. The door slammed shut behind them, leaving the rest of their apartment eerily silent in the wake of their sudden departure.

As the hours passed in their secluded sanctuary, the sounds of retribution echoed faintly through the closed door. Within the confines of their shared space, Chuuya's vengeance knew no bounds, his determination unyielding until justice was served.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the door creaked open, revealing a disheveled Dazai, his once immaculate appearance now in disarray. His expression bore the marks of Chuuya's retribution, a testament to the severity of his punishment.

With a defeated sigh, Dazai relinquished the coveted hat, its return signaling the end of their tumultuous ordeal. Though battered and bruised, he couldn't help but wear a faint smile, a silent acknowledgment of Chuuya's formidable resolve.

And so, with the hat returned to its rightful owner, making Dazai know to never mess with him again, unless he wanted to repeat the same activities.

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