finding you is my treasure sneak peak part 2

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11 years later

The blaring sound of an alarm reverberates through the first floor of the mansion. Chuuya responds with punching the alarm clock so it shuts off.

Big mistake, because it broke and its making a lot of noise. So he has no choice but to wake up and deal with the problem himself.

How fun.

He groggily gets up from and rubs his eyes and he stretches. He picks up the now crazy alarm clock and looks at the time. 6:00am.

At first he doesn’t panic, he has a lot more time to sleep. Even if he gets up, his maids would send him straight to bed.
But then, “HOLY SHIT"

He remembers that its his first day of high school , actually, it’s his first time attending school. He’s beyond ecstatic, He could finally get out of the house and be himself for one.

All though there is something he misses, his childhood friend.

He looks around for his enormous drawer and goes towards it. He opens it as he looks around for something. He feels it and takes it out.

It’s a ripped picture with a smiling little boy with brown hair and big brown eyes. Chuuya smiles sadly as he relives the memory in his head. They were torn apart at age 13, its been two years.

// don’t worry chuuya, keep the picture and I know one day you’ll find me again//

// I’ll miss you Osamu//

// I’ll miss you too, but I know we’ll find each other one day//

Chuuya shakes his head, “ maybe one day”

He carefully grips the picture. He decides to not mourn over it to much. He has other matters to attend too. He goes to his closet and takes out the uniform, he has lots of time to get ready but its better to be safe and sorry

Yea right.

He changes into the uniform, careful not to wrinkle it. The uniform is pretty nice, black slacks, a black collared shirt with a grey vest, along with a blood red tie and a black turtle neck.

He puts on his shoes and socks. He looks at himself in the mirror.
He looks good, really good.
Chuuya huffs.

“ I look good enough, though, the uniform has way to many layers.”
He makes his way to his desk to pick up his schedule, H got it yesterday so he was pretty excited. He looks over it one more time.

“ Math, Art ,Social Studies…..ok! I’m ready” He looks eager as he flings open his closet to get his bag. He took good care of it when he got.

He acted like the bag was his life, No way would he attend school with a wrinkly bag, That would be the worst first impression ever. He gets his bag and puts the picture in it,  and makes his way to the kitchen.

Which takes him 20 minutes. He curses himself for having such a big house.

He makes it to the kitchen. As usual, his parents are nowhere to be seen.
One of his maids appear to escort him to the dining room, Chuuya sighs sadly but follows her anyway.

Suddenly his butler, Hirotsu, appears, “Good morning master Chuuya, the chefs have prepared your breakfast. The car will be waiting to bring you to school after your done with your routine.”

Chuuya nods as Hirotsu walks away to perform his own duties.

He’s used to eating alone but that Doesn’t mean it was any less painful. He wanted company so he begged his fathers to let have a pet dog. His father Veraline liked the idea but his other father was scared of dogs.

So you can guess what his answer was.

Chuuya started eating and finishes in about 5 minutes. He was a fast eater.
He went to the bathroom to do his things and was finally done. He was escorted by his servants to the car, They opened the door for him to enter.

“Have a wonderful day Master Chuuya.” Chuuya thanks him as he slips inside. He sits politely as the driver turns the car on.

The school he’s attending Is the best school in the nation, Sumedera Academy, It’s a very competitive school, only the wealthy and smart can enter.

Chuuya was both so he entered quite easily.

He knew he was going to be a dorm student since his mansion was quite a distance from his school. He had already stripped his bedroom except for some clothes and ect.

He had most of his important things already arranged.

He arrived at school 40 minutes earlier than the time the doors open. So it gave him time to visit his dorm. It took him a bit too long since the campus was big, Good thing he was fast.

He dismissed his driver and waved at him when he entered the building. Sure it was pretty big but compared to Chuuya’s style of living, it was average.

He had also heard he was going to have a roommate, so that solved the mystery of the extra room. His so called roommate just organized his room, so chuuya had to do the interior design for the kitchen and bathrooms.

That made him a bit annoyed.
He wonders who would be his roommate, oh well, he’d find out once school was done.

They told him that his roommate would arrive once the first day had gone by, so chuuya could practically do anything.

Not that he had stuff to do.
He settled on rechecking his bag the 7th time to see if he was missing anything.

Even though he knows damn well he wasn’t forgetting anything. He put his student Id on since it was mandatory.
He checked the time and realized it was time to go, he headed towards the door giving the dorm one last glance and head towards the Academy’s grounds.

He arrived at his so called locker, which was white, pretty fancy. His number was 518.

He put the stuff he didn’t need for first period and carried his math books.

He was well aware that it was just the first day for him, He was a transferred here in the middle of the first year so others are bound to have their own friend groups.

That didn’t bother him though. Nope, not one bit.

He really hoped he would make at least one friend, that would be enough.

He looked at his schedule, his first class, math was room 557. Its close to his locker so he’s alright,
He noticed how students where already pouring in, some stared at him which made him uncomfortable.

He had to wait till the teachers called him in, which he didn’t like. He really didn’t feel like introducing himself. It was a pain, a big pain.

Soon the bell rang, and the classroom was fairly full, great. A teacher came in, she had short purple hair and a butterfly clip. She looked young, about the age of Chuuya’s sister. She gave him a smile.

“You must be Nakahara-Kun, I’m Ms.Yosano, I’ll give you the signal when your aloud to enter.

Chuuya nodded uncertain

The teacher entered the classroom and started to address the students one by one till Chuuya heard the dreaded words.

“Nakahara-kun, please come in,” Chuuya pushed the door open very softly, he looked around the classroom, a hundred faces were staring at him.

Was he ugly? Did he not fit the uniform? Did he put it on correctly? Was his hair out of place?

Was he-

His thoughts were interrupted by The teacher, Ms. Yosano. “ This is Chuuya Nakahara, transfer student, welcome him.”

The students start whispering and Chuuya is not really happy about that.
Though, his eyes land on a group at the back. One of the boys have a…..interesting haircut and looks nervous as another boy looks like he’s about to burst.

Then Chuuya sees the other boy who is teasing him, Soft looking brown hair, Brown eyes…..He looked familiar. Except for the fact that his body was covered up in bandages.
Chuuya brushes it off though. Its probably some other random kid.
Then the class goes silent and the brunette looks at Chuuya, He gives him a lopsided smile that makes Chuuya go all weird.

Then he realizes that he’s been a little too silent.

He clears his throat. “I’m Chuuya Nakahara, Very pleased to meet you.”
He was hoping the brunette would turn his attention away, but no… fact the brunette winked at him and chuuya scowled.

He was teasing him. He knew Chuuya was looking at him.

Yosano noticed this and decided to be the best teacher ever and say, “ Nakahara, please sit down next to Dazai, Dazai, raise your hand.”
What a good teacher.

At least now chuuya knows that his suspicions about the brunette were rising, Dazai…..where had he heard that from?

Though right now he could be mistaken for a tomato,
Dazai raised his hand. Chuuya made his way over there, honestly, he really wanted to go home.

Dazai on the other hand was smirking the whole time, that annoyed Chuuya.

Through out the lecture, Chuuya stared at Dazai the whole time. Dazai was busy throwing paper airplanes at the back of a classmates head. It was funny.

At least for him.

“ OSAMU DAZAI! “ The guy whisper yelled. Dazai yawned, “ yea?”
The guy started to lecture him about respect and other boring things.

Chuuya let out a chuckle, suddenly all eyes were on him, including Dazai.
“ Oh…..I’m sorry” Chuuya says as he faces the other way, first day as a transfer/student and he’s already making such a big impression.

The day went on and with Chuuya’s luck, He had all classes with Dazai.
Soon it was lunch, being the loner he is, Chuuya picked a spot where there was a single tree with shade. He would eat his lunch there.

He made himself comfortable.
He started munching on his food when he heard a voice. “ you’re the new kid right?”

Chuuya immediately looked up, he saw Dazai and two other kids behind him. He recognized the two, the guy with the weird cut and glasses guy. Dazai gave him a smile.

“ Would you like to have lunch with us~"

Chuuya didn’t know what to say, he liked his loneliness, but……
“ If I could….”

Dazai beamed as he plopped down next to him. That gave Chuuya sense of familiarity.

The tow other boys sat down across from the two, Dazai introduced himself.” I know ya probably  heard this in class but my names Dazai Osamu, call me Dazai.”

Chuuya nodded. Something was nagging at the back of his head, he ignored it.

Dazai then went on to introduce the other two.

He started going on a long rant about something.

Chuuya ate his lunch happy that he was getting along with 3 people, he really expected less.

He chuckled  and Dazai stopped talking and looked at him.

This was giving him flashback at what happened during class.

“ Oh, uh I’m sorry” Chuuya kept nibbling on his food.

Dazai chuckled, “ No, no that was cute.” Chuuya gave him a surprised look. Even Kunikida and Atsushi looked surprised.

Soon Dazai switched the topic by rambling about some new way he found to commit suicide. Chuuya thought he was joking.

Lunch ended and they headed to class, Chuuya followed Dazai since the next 5 classes were upstairs.

They went along rather smoothly, now that Dazai was someone chuuya knew in his class, it was fun.

Chuuya and Dazai would pass notes and such.
They hit off well.

Soon class ended and Dazai waved good bye as he left the campus grounds.

Chuuya started to wonder whether he would get along with his roommate.
It would be hell if they didn’t.

Finally,  Chuuya headed back to the dorms. He was exhausted, Sumedera Academy sure was something.

He entered his dorm but he noticed someone was already there.
He decided to greet them.

Better to get off on the right foot.
He went to the bathroom to quickly fix his hair, Just then a figure came out.

They were only wearing a towel on their waist and looked like they came out of the shower. Their upper body was wrapped in fresh, clean bandages.

Uh oh.

Then Chuuya realized it was Dazai, since he was his only classmate who wore bandages, before he could express his relief, Dazai got startled and tripped.


He fell right on top of Chuuya.

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