surviving with you

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Six months. Six long, grueling months on a deserted island. Chuuya and Dazai had seen their fair share of bizarre and dangerous situations as A member of the Armed Detective Agency and Port mafia , but this was something else entirely. The island was a tropical paradise, but it was also a prison, thanks to an ability user who had teleported them here with a cruel grin.

At first, the two of them had acted like their usual bickering selves. Chuuya had immediately blamed Dazai for their predicament, accusing him of attracting trouble like a magnet. Dazai, ever the master of nonchalance, had shrugged it off, saying that being stranded on a deserted island was just another adventure. Chuuya disagreed but it was useless fighting with dazai.

through out the days they spent there, chuuya missed the mafia and his friends. He missed Kouyou and Akutagawa.  He missed his wine collection and all his luxurious additions at home. Dazai on the other hand was enjoying himself. Acting like this was a survival game.

Days turned into weeks, and their bickering continued, but it had lost its edge. They scavenged for food together, built makeshift shelters side by side, and explored the island's secrets together. Chuuya couldn't help but notice that despite Dazai's carefree exterior, he was resourceful and surprisingly skilled at survival. Guess that happens when you're trapped with your enemy at a island in the middle of nowhere.

One evening, as they sat by the fire they had managed to create, Dazai broke the silence. "Chuuya, do you ever wonder why we haven't been rescued yet?"

Chuuya furrowed his brow, casting a quizzical glance at his partner. "What do you mean?"Dazai's gaze was distant, focused on the flickering flames. "I've been thinking about it. This island is remote, and we're well-hidden. It's as if someone wanted to keep us here."Chuuya's eyes widened in realization. "You think it's the work of that ability user?"Dazai nodded. "It's the most logical explanation. They wanted us out of the way, isolated. But why? And for how long?". Chuuya stared at him. " If I knew, I would left here a long time ago. It would make no difference to you, you left me for longer times." With that chuuya got up and went inside one of the shelters. Dazai sighed. " I had too. If not, I would still be a monster."

As the days turned into months, they began to adapt to their new reality. They no longer argued constantly, and instead, a sense of camaraderie had developed between them. Chuuya had to admit that, despite his many flaws, Dazai was an excellent partner in a crisis. He had a knack for finding solutions to their problems, and his offbeat sense of humor kept their spirits up. It made chuuya happy, though he would never admit it.

One day, while exploring the island's interior, Chuuya slipped on a wet rock and tumbled down a small hill. He landed in a tangle of vines and leaves, pain shooting through his leg. Dazai was by his side in an instant, concern etched on his face.
"Chuuya, are you okay?" Dazai asked, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.Chuuya gritted his teeth against the pain. " Do I look okay? ."Dazai helped him to his feet, his touch surprisingly tender. "Let's get back to camp and take a look at that leg. We don't want it getting infected."

As Dazai tended to his injury, Chuuya couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through him. He had seen a side of Dazai he hadn't expected, a side that was caring and compassionate. Over the months, they had grown closer, and the tension that had once defined their relationship had transformed into something else entirely.

One evening, under the starlit sky, Dazai spoke softly, almost hesitantly. "Chuuya, there's something I want to say."

Chuuya turned to look at him, his heart pounding in his chest. "What is it?"

Dazai took a deep breath. "I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with, and I've caused you a lot of trouble in the past. But being stuck on this island with you has made me realize something."

Chuuya held his breath, waiting for Dazai to continue.Dazai's eyes met Chuuya's, and they were filled with an emotion Chuuya had never seen before. "I care about you, Chuuya. More than I care to admit."Chuuya's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a rush of emotions he couldn't quite put into words. "Dazai..."Before he could say anything else, Dazai leaned in and pressed his lips to Chuuya's. It was a gentle, tentative kiss, but it spoke volumes. Chuuya kissed him back, their connection deepening with each passing second.

Their love blossomed in the midst of adversity, and their days on the deserted island were no longer a curse but a blessing in disguise. They explored their feelings for each other, finding solace and warmth in each other's arms.

And then, one sunny day, as they were lounging on the beach, they saw a helicopter approaching. The mafia helicopter, with some of the ADA members. They exchanged a hopeful glance, disbelief and relief washing over them. They had been rescued.

As they were lifted off the island, hand in hand, they knew that their love had been tested and forged in the crucible of their isolation. They had found something precious in each other, something worth holding onto, no matter where life might take them next. And as they gazed at each other with love in their eyes, they knew that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together, their love stronger than ever.

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