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Chuuya and Dazai were once again bickering about god-knows what in the middle of the streets, on a mission no less.

It was pretty amusing.


“ Its not that serious Chuuya!”
Dazai had started to poke Chuuya’s back for about 10 minutes, At first, It didn’t bother Chuuya since he was used to it.

But then, the bastard had the audacity to poke his butt.

“ your insufferable you-you mackerel!”

“ the insults getting old slug”
“ Why you little!” Chuuya was about to smack him when he heard an aww from behind him.

It was a women, who was admittedly pretty, she had blond hair and blue eyes. She was smiling at Chuuya and Dazai.

“ Awww, you guys are such a cute couple!” She say’s as Chuuya and Dazais arguing comes to a halt.
Sure their Dating, but…….Its the first time somebody openly says their cute together.

Most people are to scared for that, Mostly because of Chuuya.

Chuuya decides he’ll accept the compliment.

He was going to open his mouth and thank the girl.

Well that was till Dazai cut him off.
“ Oh, actually were just friends. Would you like to commit a double suicide with me?”

The girl look surprised as she politely declined. “ No thanks, I actually want to live.

Dazai whines when he notices Chuuya’s oddly quiet.
Key word was.

He gives the girl a sharp smile.
“ Oh, friends? Nah, never met this man in my life? Like why on earth would I ever befriend him? Heck, why even Date him? He’s worthless little shit who never does paperwork, honestly, why is he even breathing the same air as me?”

Dazai goes from shocked, offended to hurt, then back to offended.
The girl also looks shocked. “ oh uh, My mistake sir-”

Chuya continues,” NO, because why? Like what benefits come to dating a lanky bean pole like him. Even my friends have more worth than him and their dead. Like honestly, you will never catch me dead with this man, kissing under the moonlight. Actually, that’s Disgusting can’t even imagine it.”

Dazai’s jaw drops. He’s offended, like massive crush to his ego, crazy.
The girl smiles politely, “ Oh…uh…well, have a nice day?”

She scurries off, but she doesn’t believe Chuuya’s words.

Dazai stares at Chuuya who’s a little to proud of himself.

“ Chibi what the actual fuck.” Dazai says glaring at him."

“ Serves you right .” Chuuya glares back.

“ You insulted my whole existence to this world for that!?” Dazai yells as he stares down Chuuya.

“ Blah blah, I don’t care~” Chuuya smiles sharply.

“ That’s it, you are so getting it tonight,”

Chuuya rolls his eyes. “ No Way.”
Dazai starts to whine, “ stupid slug!”
Chuuya hits him, “ Maybe I’ll start flirting with others too.”

Dazai looks horrified, “ I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if you ever did that! Stop joking around you evil hatrack!”

“I’m not, why can’t I do it, but you can!?”

Dazai sighs,” Shut up and lets continue the stupid mission slug!”
Chuuya scowls.” That’s it, maybe I’ll pare up with Kunikida instead ~”
Dazai slings his arm around Chuuya’s shoulder. “ Never. Ever. Do that.
Chuuya sighs, “ I need a drink, lets go to the bar.”

"But your a light weight"

"Shut the fuck up"


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