Sour face Dazai

155 3 7

Oda was still alive

warning: minor NSWF

Chuuya found himself on a mission with Oda, Dazai, and Tachihara, but it felt more like a solo venture with Tachihara being the only one he interacted with. Throughout the entire mission, Dazai seemed engrossed in conversation with Oda, and Chuuya couldn't deny that it bothered him—quite a lot.

It was a constant stream of "Oda this, Oda that," and it felt as if he was invisible. The irritation built up until Chuuya couldn't take it anymore.

"Let's move to another location," Dazai suggested, still engrossed in dialogue with Odasaku. Tachihara nodded in agreement.


As they prepared to move, Tachihara noticed Chuuya's unusual silence. Concerned, he peeked at Chuuya, finding him with a noticeable frown. Determined to lighten the mood, Tachihara placed a hand on Chuuya's shoulder, startling him.

"Chuuya-san! Let's go out drinking tonight! My treat!" he blurted out nervously, uncertain of how Chuuya would react.

Chuuya looked genuinely surprised. "Wait, I haven't got my salary yet, so maybe just the local pub..." Before he could finish, Tachihara's anxiety took over.

"No, I can't let Chuuya-san drink cheap wine! Maybe if I sell an organ..."This elicited a chuckle from Chuuya. "Seriously, what's with you?" Another chuckle escaped him. "You're funny."

Tachihara, both surprised and relieved, thought to himself, "Wah! He's smiling!"

Chuuya couldn't resist but playfully mess up Tachihara's hair, giving him a good-natured noogie. "Okay! Today, it's my treat!"

Tachihara responded with an exaggerated "Eeeeeh?" as he tried to make sense of the unexpected turn of events.

Odasaku observed the scene, glancing at Dazai, who wore an irritated expression.

"Well, it's probably none of my business," Odasaku began, choosing his words carefully, "but if you're going to make such a sour face, isn't it better to just be more honest with him, Dazai?"

Dazai maintained his dangerous demeanor, his irritation evident as he watched Tachihara's interaction with Chuuya. 


At the bar

Chuuya grumbled, his irritation evident as he held onto his wine glass. "Ugh, that shitty Dazai... Next time, I'll kill him for sure."

He grabbed Tachihara's shirt suddenly, his frustration pouring out. "I WiSh oDa wAs mY pArTneR!", Chuuya mimics Dazai, " So why don't you marry him if you love him so much!" Chuuya's tone was sharp, causing Tachihara to yelp, "Chuuya-san! Calm down, I'll die!"

Chuuya loosened his grip slightly, but the sadness in his eyes didn't go unnoticed. "But seriously... What is it about me that is so unattractive?" he asked, his gaze searching Tachihara's face for answers.

Tachihara felt his face heat up, and his heart skipped a beat at Chuuya's unexpected vulnerability. There was no way his mentor, whom he admired greatly, could be considered unattractive.

"T-that's not it... I think Chuuya-san is-" Before he could express his thoughts, he was interrupted by the familiar voice of Dazai Osamu.

"That's no good, Chuuya. You can't bother our subordinates like this~" Dazai chimed in, his tone teasing and almost sing-song.

Chuuya shot a glare in Dazai's direction, the bickering between them continuing.

"Shut up, you ass!"

Dazai, undeterred, added with a smirk, "If you drink more, you'll shrink~"

Dazai, with a triumphant smirk, escorted Chuuya out, leaving Tachihara with a lingering sense of tension. As Dazai turned to face Tachihara, his expression darkened, sending a shiver down Tachihara's spine.

"Oh, and Tachihara," Dazai's voice took on a menacing tone, "if you aim too high, it will be a bother for the both of us... You know that, don't you?" His words carried a veiled threat, the implication hanging heavily in the air.

"Y-yes, sir!" Tachihara stammered nervously, flinching under the intensity of Dazai's gaze. As Dazai walked away, Tachihara couldn't help but mutter to himself, "He's scary!" 


"Tachihara approached Dazai nervously the next day, concern etched on his face. "Um... Dazai-san, have you seen Chuuya-san?"

Dazai glanced at him, his expression unreadable. "He got sick, so he's taking the day off," Dazai replied calmly, almost nonchalant.

"Really? Is he okay? He seemed fine yesterday," Tachihara said, the worry evident in his voice. "He even went out for a drink..." he muttered to himself, the pieces not quite fitting together.Dazai smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

 "Don't worry too much about it, Tachihara. Focus on missions." 

Dazai chuckled dismissively, as if downplaying Chuuya's condition. "It's just the common cold... nothing that chibi can't handle~"

He reached into his pocket and clicked on something, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. 

Dazai's reassurance came with a cryptic undertone as he stated, "He's gonna be just fine~." The smirk on his face persisted, leaving Tachihara both relieved and intrigued.



Warning: minor nsfw starts here

Chuuya found himself currently restrained, chained to Dazai's bed.  As he panted and moaned as the sensation of the "toy" in his ass radiated of his body. He reclined luxuriously on the bed, a blindfold securely in place.

He was moaning, panting, and sweating. " ahh~nnh, ahh."

" Fuck you Dazai!~"

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