Good bye kiss

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Another highschool au

It was winter and Dazai was sulking.

Dazai's club,unity, was known for taking a trip to some random geological places during this time of the year.

It was mostly a traveling club, mostly for traveling and studying places.

Dazai only joined because his teacher recommended it. He wanted to leave a good impression.

Which he regrets now.

He really didn't want to got on a trip with some random strangers he never even interacts with.

He rather stay home.

But it was going to be a massive boost to his GPA, so he just couldn't let that slide easily.

So he decided to go.

His last day before the trip was Monday.

The founders of the club had already talked to his teachers so Dazai didn't have to worry about missing work.

But there was a certain someone who didn't want him to go.

"Who am I gonna sit with during lunch!?"

Chuuya complains, he really didn't want Dazai to go, but he would never admit it.

Actually, he rather die or eat fire than admit to his face.

Dazai snorts.

"You have other friends too hat rack. What about Akutagawa?"

Chuuya scowls. " He doesn't have time since he's bus with Atsushi completing their project!"

Chuuya goes on," Plus every one else has clubs or got suspended. Ranpo and Yosano got suspended the 5th Time this year!"

Dazai looks a him feign sadness, "poor,poor slug. So lonely with no friends. It's just a month, you'll live~"

Chuuya picks at his mash potatoes. "Hmph. Who needs you anyway."

Dazai pats his back, "you could talk to others."

" It's not the same!"
"Is too"
"Is not!"

The started to bicker for the whole lunch period, Chuuya ended up not eating his lunch.


soon it was Monday and the duo were at their last class.

Chuuya was tapping the desk with a pencil irratibly during science.

He was not in the mood to learn about how astronauts found the moon or other dumb theory's about planets.

Dazai was leaving today, after school.

They would be meeting at the club before departing.

He didn't want that.

Maybe he should burn the unity club.

He didn't.

He was standing outside with Ryu and Dazai as he got ready to leave.

Dazai saw a very sullen Chuuya. He felt kinda bad.

He was going to miss the slug even if Al he does is curse the living shit out of him every single day.

Even if he's the instigator.

He gets closer to Chuuya after saying bye to Akutagawa.

He lifted his chin up so Chuuya could look at him.

"Hey ....I won't be gone for too long. You can survive a month without me hat rack."

Chuuya looked up at him a bit annoyed.


Dazai chuckled as the bell rang. Signaling school had ended and that if you don't have club activities or any business here then you may leave campus.

Dazai let go of Chuuya and gave him a once over.

" Well I better get going, don't wanna miss roll call."

Chuuya looked down at his feet.

"Uh huh ....see you in a month bastard."

Dazai couldn't take it anymore.he grabbed chuuya in a hug and gave him a kiss.

"I'll miss you too,you stupid slug!"

He then he let go giving him one last peck as he said goodbye and started to run to his club.

He was wearing a cheeky smile as he waved at him.

Chuuya stayed stunned but waved back with a tiny smile.

While Ryu was just stunned.

" Since when were you guys a thing?"

Chuuya hides his face in his hands.

"I don't even fucking know!"

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