finding you is my treasure sneak peak part 4

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Its been a month since Dazai and Chuuya met.

Its been interesting  to say the least…..

“  Dazai Osamu! How many times do I have to tell you to stop leaving the dishes unwashed when you use them!” Chuuya yells at his roommate/friend who was currently laying on the couch.

“ But  I DON’T WANNNA~ I’m not tired! School gives too much work!” Dazai protests as he turns on the TV
Honestly, Chuuya misses his maids. Like a lot, he wasn’t used to being with out someone looking out for him.

He slaps Dazais head. It was 5pm and he was tired. “ Shut up and go clean them, I’m no maid Dazai!”

Dazai whines,” C’mon you chibi sized person ! Let me rest!”

Chuuya goes to the kitchen and grabs a wooden spoon. He learned this from his sister when they were at fancy parties and kids were bothering them.

“ If you don’t get your ass up in about 2 minutes, you’ll be  met with a tragic injury! DROP THE CHIBI!!”
Dazai scoffs but complies.” Fine, chibi….”

Chuuya chases Dazai around the dorm for about 10 minutes.

Dazai was sitting on the couch looking sulky, with a big red bump on his head. Chuuya felt only a tiny bit guilty, He was more proud though.
He went to the freezer and took out two expensive looking ice creams that his chef delivered, insistence from his parents. He walks over to Dazai and taps him on the head.

“ Here….its not like I’m doing this because of earlier….so take it.” Chuuya says softly as Dazai looks up at him.

Dazai smirks as he takes the ice cream.” Chuuya is such a liar….but fine, I will take it.”

Chuuya bonks him and then continues to eat his delicious Ice cream. “yum”

Dazai finishes his ice cream way to quickly. He gets out of the couch and looks at Chuuya.” You said you finished your home work right?”
Chuuya looks at him suspiciously. “ I did….why?”

Dazai smirks, “ lets go out! I have the perfect place were nobody will recognize you~”

Chuuya tilts his head.” What do you mean recognize me?”

Dazai gives him a look.” Do you not realize your from a wealthy and famous family? Plus your looks?”
Chuuya glares at him,” What’s wrong with how I look? And yea I’m aware.”

Dazai scratches his neck, “ well, people are going to crowd around you and it will make me feel invisible because they only care about a short, angry dog~”

Chuuya throws the nearest thing at him, “Whatever, fine. I’ll go disguise myself so nobody flocks around me. happy?”

Dazai gives him a smile.” Very”
55 minutes later, They arrive at a nice little park, with a beautiful pond and a few benches around the play ground.

It feels familiar to Chuuya. Especially the playground.

// lets take a picture chuuya~//
// why//
//memories! //

Chuuya remembers why, it’s the park he almost always went during the time he was 6-10 years old. After that, he and his friend would go bowling or other things.

Chuuya smiles, “ guess your not that boring.” Dazai gasps. “ How dare you! I’m very fun actually.

// I’m not boring! I’m fun!//

Chuuya rolls his eyes. “ whatever you
say dumbass.”

Dazai huffs, trying to walk away when….


He fell right into the pond. He was soaking wet and drenched as Chuuya was laughing his ass off on how funny that was.

“pffft….you…hah..okay?...pfft” He could barely form a sentence correctly as Dazai glared at him. His bandages were all wet and ruined.
“Stop laughing you sadistic cruel dog! I need help here!” Dazai started to whine.

Chuuya raised an eyebrow. “What’s the magic word~”

Dazai gasped.

Maybe Chuuya was sadistic.
“ That’s not funny! I’m soaked! Get me out !”

Chuuya crosses his arms.” Nuh uh. You didn’t say please. Its not that hard you mackerel.”

Dazai gasps in surprise. “ Haha very funny now get me out! And I’m not a mackerel!”

Chuuya inspects his nails, “ Sorry, I can’t hear bratty mackerels yelling at me.”

Dazai gives him a shocked look. Is he really going to make him do this. “ Chuuya…you can’t be serious!”
Chuuya looked at him and smirked.” Oh yes I can”

Dazai was starting to wonder what happened to the quiet transfer student he met a month ago.
He had no choice but to give in since he was starting to get cold. “ Ugh,…..Chuuya…..can you please help me out.”

He cant believe this.

Chuuya gives him a teasing smirk, “ I guess I will.”

Chuuya yanks him by the arm up to the ground. He may be short, but he’s strong.

Dazai coughs a bit as he lays on the grass.

“ So cruel Chuuya!” Dazai mutters as he sits up glaring at the ginger.

Chuuya rolls his eyes.” Ya, I’m so cruel that I brought your dumbass up to the surface. Certainly, the cruelest.”
Dazai pouts, “ So petty”

A few minutes later they were sitting in a bench eating ice cream, well, Chuuya was anyway.

Dazai was still wet and whining. “ Chuuya! Lets go back to the dorms!

" I’m cold!"

Chuuya thought about it for a moment.  He decided he really didn’t want to deal with a sick Dazai so he decided to go home.

When they arrived, Dazai stuck to the couch as Chuuya, being the kid-hearted person he is, gave him a blanket.

He might of eaten a chocolate he found on Dazais bed while searching for a blanket…..

Eh, he will never know….I think.
Dazai was insistent on 3 Blankets, which really wasn’t a good sign at all.
He lay on the couch watching god-knows-what and sulked.
What a big baby.

Chuuya started to get his things ready for school tomorrow.

Dazai finally decided to get out of his shelter when it was about 11pm.
By then Chuuya was already in bed. Dazai thought that since Chuuya had let him be in the pond while telling him to say please, he would scare him.

What an amazing plan.
He tiptoed to the kitchen, very slowly taking out ice.

He melted the ice in a glass cup and took it to Chuuya’s room. Now, he wasn’t going to be to cruel. Just a little water won’t hurt anybody.

He went inside a sleeping Chuuya’s room. He was smirking so deviously as he thought of the reaction.
Before he did anything though, He saw a ripped picture on Chuuya’s desk. He was tempted between going with the plan or taking a peak.


Curiosity got the better of him.
He sneakily got closer and took a look. The picture was nice, but it was ripped in half. He stared at the boy with brown hair.

His eyes widened slightly, it looked a lot like him.

Dazai had been in a bad accident at 14, so his memories from before were gone. He only had one ripped picture that was from his past.

The one memory he had was about a short, cute little boy from when they talked from the window of the boys house.

He remembers he used to call him slug.

But he doesn’t remember their name or how they look. And he heard they were also in some type of accident, so the possibility of finding him was a little low.

As he gazed at the photo while holding the cup, Chuuya woke up startled and threw his alarm clock at him.

Dazai lost balance while trying to dodge.

He slipped and fell, hard.
And the cup spilled the water all  throughout his body.

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