I'm sorry Chuuya!

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Mori was walking down to the port mafia building as he had returned after taking care of  some business.
He was talking with Elise as usual, nothing out of the ordinary.

When he came to halt when seeing Dazai trying to push a trampoline in a specific place.

Now, Mori had seen many crazy things in his life, heck he sometimes feels like he’s going a little too insane.

But this, this is new.
He clears his throat since Dazai doesn’t seem to notice or care of his presence.

“ Dazai-kun…Why are you pushing a trampoline?”

Dazai gives him a look, “ I’m trying to apologize to the slug. I accidentally scared the stray dog he was trying too lure in.”

Mori just stares at him, Elise giggles beside him.

“ Alright…well I’m off, good look on your apology.”
With that Mori walked away, leaving Dazai who managed to put the trampoline were he wanted to, do his thing.

“ Alright, now time to jump……stupid slug making me do all this.”

He starts jumping up and down on the trampoline. Till he finally uses enough strength and jumps so high.
Heck, he never knew he could jump so high.

He makes it up to where Chuuya is floating. He was sulking.

His eyes widened when he see’s Dazai. “ WTF….Go away!”

Dazai rolls his eyes, “ I’m sorry for scaring the dumb dog slug, it’s not that big of a deal so come down!”

Chuuya shakes his head.” Fuck off!”

Dazai sighs, “ you leave me no choice since I’m going to fall!”
Chuuya ignores him, making no resistance.

Well he was ignoring him
When He then notices a hand touch his foot.

He swears he almost has a heart attack on how he starts falling when he see’s Dazai touch him.
“ HAH!?”

Dazai grabs him so he doesn’t escape. Plus, he didn’t want to do that again.
Who knows when he’ll be able to jump that high again.

As their falling Chuuya is screaming his head off.

They both land with a loud thump in the trampoline.

He stops screaming.

Chuuya takes a good 5 minutes to comprehend what just happened.
Dazai is still hugging him as he catches his breath.

“ see what…hah..I do for your forgiveness slug?”

Chuuya looks at him. “ hmph.”
He rolls to other side of the trampoline.

Dazai starts whining. “ So I did all that for nothing?”

Chuuya ignores him for a minute and then responds.” That’s what you get for making the puppy leave!”

Dazai sits up and makes his way over to Chuuya,” I said I’m sorry! What morE do you want!?”

Chuuya thinks for a moment.” A dog. The one you scared away. Do that and I might forgive you.”

Dazai groans, “ Greedy chibikko. I jumped so high just to apologize and you give me attitude? The disrespect these days!”

Chuuya rolls to the edge. “ Don’t care.”

Dazai groans as he starts to think what he could do to get Chuuya to forgive him when he has an Idea.
“ Chuu-ya! Come here.”

Chuuya looks at him suspiciously. “ Why.”

Dazai starts to whine, “ Hurry up! “
Chuuya crosses his arms as he whips his head around. “ No, fuck you.”
Dazai huffs as he goes over to Chuuya instead.

That caught Chuuya off guard, so he uncrossed his arms as he looked at him.

“ what the fuck are you doing-mmmf!!!”
Dazai gives him kiss.

A smooch.

Which leaves Chuuya to blank out.
He soon starts to kiss back reluctantly, the kiss lasts a long time as Dazai is a little too passionate.

As they kiss, Chuuya is out of breath. He needs air.

He makes a little sound at the back of his throat to which Dazai responds with a shiver.

Dazai pulls away from Chuuya. “ There, that should be good enough.”

Chuuya is blushing and scowling as he sits up right and stares at Dazai.

“ huh!?”

Dazai silently gets out of the trampoline by hopping off innocently like he totally didn’t make out with his partner.

Chuuya decides to just lay there and contemplate life.

As Dazai walks away, he turns to Chuuya who raises an eyebrow.
“ You know, your not a bad kisser~ Looks like you enjoyed yourself a little to much~”

Chuuya scowls as he tries to find anything to throw at him.
“ …..”

Dazai chuckles as he winks at him.
“ Don’t worry, I enjoyed it too~”
With that declaration, Chuuya leaps up and starts to chase Dazai.

Meanwhile, Mori was sipping tea as he watched from his office’s giant window.

“ Youth these days….Don’t you agree Elise-Chan?”

Elise ignores him as she prints out something from Mori’s printer.
“ What are you doing Elise dear?”
Mori asks trying to get a peek. Elise shoves his face away. “ Mind your business Rintaro!”

She says smiling wickedly as she walks to were here crayons are.
She takes the picture and puts it in a pile.

“ Dazai is going to love this!”
She looks at the picture.
Its Dazais and Chuuya’s kiss scene.

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