As He Formed Me

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He envisioned it all
The Mightiest Designer
As He fashioned my person
Knitted me out molecule by molecule
Stitched me together
Limb by limb
Combined each shades
Like the perfect artist He is
Till He made my skin out
In it's darkest perfection
Till He made me out
Bones and  flesh
The finest body
He knew I would possess
For my Spirit
He believed deserves to dwell in the best
Who am I to look into the mirror and complain?

He planned it thoroughly
The Genius Architect
What my life would be
He charted the land I would dwell
Where my house will be built
How it would compliment His will
Each room different from the other
Where the windows
Would bring in light
The doors to escape the fire
To walk into when night comes
The roof and walls
To keep danger out
A floor to step on
Each furniture to match the splendor
That my guest may notice
His hand at work
They may ask for His services
Where I found such talent
That has every detail
Thought well to the letter
Now who am I to question His promise?

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